AP Scores 2008 - Post Your Exam Score Here

<p>5 on chem and comp</p>


<p>Calc AB: 5
USH: 5 </p>

<h2>English Lang.: 3 </h2>

<p>European History:4 </p>

<p>not bad so far i guess </p>

<p>no possible National AP Scholar though. darn english language.</p>

<p>I only got 5's on the tests with numbers on them. :-)</p>

<p>Calc BC-5 (AB subscore-5)
Physics B-5 (unexpected, I felt AWFUL after the exam.)
Psych-4 (definitely totally misread an FRQ)
English Lit-4 (got a 5 on Lang, so I have my English credit anyway.)
US Government-3 (a miracle I passed the exam...I am terrible at government.)</p>

<p>US Gov- 4
Comparative Gov (self study)- 4
Statistics- 4</p>

<p>Statistics curve must've been VERY generous as I made up the final FRQ...expected a 5 on one of the gov's but definitely satisfied with my scores</p>

<p>Someone tell me where I put my AP booklet... UGH! The suspense...! -___-</p>

<p>does anyone know when the scores arrive in VA through mail?</p>

<p>I think that the east coast will get it in mid-July because of the distance from Cali, but the people in the West coast will get it pretty early.</p>

<p>Reports are mailed from Cali? I thought the CB HQs is located in NJ</p>

<p>good thing i called then lol, i live in NJ</p>

<p>is it? y did i think cali??? idk. maybe it is nj? ok disregard my post lol. idk.... im stupid :(</p>

<p>I remember getting it around the end of the first week of July maybe (or the beginning of the second week), so CA actually receives it pretty quickly.</p>

<p>Bio: 5
Econ: 5
French: 4
Stats: 4
Gov: 4</p>

<p>wow so bad...
all 5s in calc BC, chem, apush last year
hahaha senioritis</p>

<p>but National AP Scholar :D :D</p>

<p>What about Texas?</p>

<p>MEEP! 3 in APAH! :'(</p>

<p>I guess that's what I get for taking an AP freshman year and only reading 4/32 chapters. </p>

<p>When I get my score report, my county will give me my $84 back.... and I can claim 6 chs at my CC that I'm dually enrolled in. Other than that though, I will receive no credit at any of the schools I'm applying to.</p>

<p>Haha, my AP Physics C exam was on the same day as AP Bio lol</p>

<p>AP Calc BC -5
AP Calc AB - 5 (Subscore)
AP Physics C (mech)- 4
AP Physics C (E &M) - 4
AP Bio -4</p>

<p>Past Tests
AP Chem -4
AP USH -4</p>

<p>AP English- 3
AP Bio- 5
AP Psych- 5
AP Music Theory- 5
Aural subscore- 4
Nonaural subscore- 5
AP Stats- not available....jeesh...oh well</p>

<p>congrats u guys! im waiting mine in the mail. patience is the essence <-- nerd talk? haha. i hope i got a 5 in my apwh test. a lot of people who took the test said it was hard and i was like really i thought it was easy haha.</p>

<p>Calc BC - 5
(AB subscore - 5)
Biology - 5
English Literature - 4
Government & Politics - 5
Macroeconomics - 5</p>

that's an awesome incentive! our school subsidizes the fee for more than 3 tests, I believe, but still...
APs for free? i would almost wait for my score in the mail, just for that!</p>

<p>AP Chem 5</p>

<p>Yea boi!</p>

<p>how does everyone know their scores?
grades by phone doesnt start til july 1st</p>