AP Scores 2008 - Post Your Exam Score Here

Yeah. You gotta pay.</p>


<p>Hey so are all AP grades available now ?</p>

<p>Yes!!! Someone Get A 3!</p>

Cal. AB- 5</p>

<p>Sweet for the first time</p>

<p>Will grades ever be online ? or do we get em by mail?</p>

<p>English Lang: 4 (I thought I had a 5 but oh well)
US History: 4 (same as above)
Latin Lit: 5 (holy $hit I thought I got a 2...)</p>

<p>English Lit: 3
Spanish Lit: 4
Psychology: 4
Comp. Government: 4</p>

<p>Man, my university only gives me credit for spanish</p>

<p>NO grades won't ever be online. They should come in the mail pretty soon, or you can pay $8 to hear them over the phone.</p>

<p>There will soon be plenty of threads in which CCers all over the country speculate when and where scores will be arriving, so don't worry.</p>

<p>euro - 3, thought i got 4 :-(
macro - 4, happy with
english lit - 3, thought i got 4
calc ab - 2, expected
art history - 1, expected hahah
physics c: mech - 2, expected
human - 5, but doesnt even matter cuz emory doesnt except at all</p>



<p>US History: 5 (yay! Our teacher is horrible, and out of the two classes last year only 2/50 even passed, 2 5s ever)
Stats: 5 (teacher prepared us really well, expected that)</p>

<p>I'm so ****ed, I wanted a 5 in chemistry......................</p>

<p>Chem 4
Calc AB 5
Macro 5</p>

<p>How do you guys know your scores already? Isn't the release date July 1? Is there something I don't know??</p>

<p>Branyon214, you can use AP scores by phone, now. The scores were released a few days before July 1st.</p>

<p>ok, cool, thanks!!!</p>

<p><runs to="" find="" ap="" number!!!=""></runs></p>

<p>2008 junior year ap scores:</p>

<p>USH: 4 (predicted 4)
English Language: 4 (predicted 5 :[ )
Calc BC: 5, AB Subscore: 5 (predicted 5, 5)
Physics B: 5 (predicted 4 =] )</p>

<p>smder99, what da f***</p>

<p>what is your brain made of?</p>

<p>Biology 4
Macro 4
Psychology 5
Human Geography 5</p>

<p>Expected a 4 in Biology, thought I had a 5 in Macro for sure... probably gave a wrong graph or something.</p>