AP Scores Dilemma!!!

<p>The only AP test I took last year was the Euro test, and sadly I only got a 3. The thing is, I registered with the wrong middle initial. Instead of writing J as my middle initial, I wrote N, for reasons I won't go into right now. As a junior this year, I'll be taking 3 more tests in May, and probably another 5 or 6 next year as a senior. However, I've asked college board and they won't be able to fix my name error. Also, they told me if I register future AP tests under the right name, they won't be able to merge my correct name's account with my Euro score. I know that it's not that big of a deal, since I won't be able to get credit for a 3 anyways. However, do you think the college will find it odd if I self-report a 3 for Euro, but when I send my scores in, it won't show the Euro score? Or would you recommend that I just use the same name that I registered with the Euro test, even if it isn't my correct name? Would the college be able to match it to my profile, even if it is just off by the middle initial? If I do end up just registering with the correct name, I will only have AP Scholar by the time I apply instead of AP Scholar with Honor or whatever it is because my Euro score wouldn't be counted. Any advice would be awesome right now, because I'm really starting to freak out and drive myself crazy over this. Thanks!</p>

<p>If you report having a score but dont send an official report they aren’t supposed to consider it. If it isnt a big deal to you I’d suggest keeping the name you have on it now (or in the future not listing your middle initial?) so that you can at least get credit for the work you’ve done. Im assuming you took this test as a sophmore? Having a 3 in an AP course that early in high school may even work to your credit (there are schools that accept a 3).</p>