AP season is over :(

<p>The APs are done guys. (well except for alternates) What did you think of the tests as a whole? Are you happy/sad it's over? What will you be taking next year?</p>

<p>And for us seniors... We won't take another one for the rest of our lives... It's kinda sad. Do you think the AP program has had a positive effect on your high school career?
Answer these questions in section R.</p>

<p>I think you may be a little bit too emotional</p>


<p>And yeah I still have two tests to make up from tornado damage</p>

<p>Who could possibly be SAD? That’s ridiculous. I would be thrilled to not have to take any more. </p>

<p>People manage to complain about everything…</p>

<p>EASY this year…</p>

<p>^someone didn’t take AP Physics, or Chemistry</p>

<p>I am ecstatic to say the least. I don’t have to worry about this crap again until next year.</p>

<p>I have 2 AP’s scheduled for next week. Unfortunately, it’s far from over :(</p>

<p>late testing</p>

<p>lol What is this?</p>

<p>I have one more AP test, which will be my second favorite to take, but there’s no way I could say I’m not thrilled to be done.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I forgot. Who DOESN’T like taking 3 hour tests?</p>

<p>Of course I’m happy. I’m a junior, and maybe it will be the tiniest bit sad to take the last AP test, but also very relieving. I really hate writing the free response, no matter the test, although I don’t mind the MC usually. And yes, AP has certainly had a positive effect on my high school career.</p>

<p>more like: ap season is over :)</p>

<p>Hold on let me correct this thread title.</p>

<p>AP WEEK IS OVER!!! :smiley:</p>

<p>Anyone think they pulled a 5?</p>

<p>I know a girl last year who thought that she got a 2 on Calculus BC (she wasn’t exactly a math person), but ended up with a 5.</p>



<p>Well, the standard AP tests run for two weeks, and then there are alternate exams and stuff, but yeah, it’s two weeks.</p>

<p>Now that the tests are over I don’t know what to do with all the free time. Its kind of boring not studying. But yeah physics was a sad case, specially taking it after biology, its going to take a couple months getting over how bad I did. CB should really not put two science tests in one day. By the time you get to physics you are tired, and that is where you need the brainpower the most because out of all the classes it is probably the one that requires the most analytical skills( or maybe ties up with chem).</p>


Well I have seen people call it both “week” and “weeks”, and I feel that “week” flows better so i use that :)</p>


I so hope you were joking…</p>



<p>Having taken both AP Chemistry and AP Physics B, I can say that without a doubt Physics requires more analytical skills. Plus, even Physics B is less analytical than physics C.</p>

<p>im sad that its over. I befriended this really cute girl and we hung out and (sometimes) studied together in the library for hours. Studying for APUS was the only way I could get this REALLY hot girl to go to Panera with me although we talked and joked around the whole time. Without APs, I lose that excuse. :(</p>