I am a native Spanish speaker and I am taking AP Spanish, I used to be an (ESL) student is English as a second language, my question is would I need to take the the AP test? Will this be like a certificate that I speak Spanish? Or will this certificate that I can be a translator or something? I am also thinking of going to a Community Collage I know the 2 years I am going to be there they do not required this but what about my other 2 years when I transfer to a Collage would I need the AP Spanish test to take credits? Or I will just never need this because my first language is Spanish?


You do not have to take the AP test. The AP test can get you credits toward a degree if the school you attend accepts them (not all schools give credit for AP exams, but most do). It is not a certificate of anything. It can be used by some schools as a placement test if you wanted to or had to continue with Spanish. Not all schools require proficiency in a foreign language, but since you are proficient in Spanish and English I would think this would satisfy any foreign language requirement (technically your foreign language is English). I’m sorry I can’t give you a more definitive answer, but there are variables here, such as the requirements of whatever school you eventually attend. At any rate, it probably can’t hurt to take the AP exam.