AP World exam and being accused. Scores might get cancelled

So this is my first ap test. So when the teacher said multiple choice is over I did not really take it seriously and I continued to darken like 2 bubbles when the advisor yelled at me and took away my test. It was only 2 bubbles and I only darkened them. She told me that she has to report this and my scores might be cancelled. Would that really happen ?

well yeah because you’re given a time limit when you’re supposed to complete each section of the exam and you’re not allowed to continue when time is up


Why did you not listen to the adviser? College Board is very strict about its testing procedures- having just taken AP exams, they do tell you you must stop working when time is called (as in pencils down working, regardless of if you’re just “darkening bubbles” or whatnot). Why on earth would you not “take it seriously”?

tl;dr Probably, given how College Board does stuff.

Your score will be canceled. You should’ve listened to the proctor. I took the exam today and something similar occurred to a peer.

Wow why did you do that? And why is “darkening” not the same as filling in? And “only 2”?

The time I spent darkening the circles was about .3 of a second because the lady said it then quickly took it.

I literally just darkened in 2 bubbles right when she said it then she took mines. I did not continue for like 5 minutes.

At the same time, they do say “pencils down,” do they not?

Regardless of whether you thought it was just or not, or if the proctor was strict or not, the College Board has been notified that you’ve taken extra time. Given that it’s AP testing and the College Board is strict, they’d probably cancel your scores (as they repeat over and over again in the AP bulletin/script teachers read). Perhaps looking to see if they have an appeals process is more productive at this point.


You literally threw away $90 and an entire year’s worth of work because you were stupid enough to go over the time.

There is a reason that they have time limits…it isn’t a suggestion.

wow thats crazy, in my school when i kept going after they told us to stop nothing happened. i hope ur score doesnt get cancelled b/c its super unfair

Not really. Wait until you get to college and the prof refuses to accept your exam because you did not turn it in when he said “Pencils down.”

It’s going to be even more strict in college when the rules are on the syllabus – even if you forget about them or think they won’t be enforced or are super unfair.

Honestly, your score will be canceled because of the extremely strict rules. In College it is usually not that strict, at least in my experience, as teachers aren’t yanking the test out of your hands unless you are taking way too long. Other rules will be enforced very heavily though.

I think it will be cancelled. This past week my D reported kids late back from bathroom break (20 or so) were not allowed to continue. One kid after being asked to check for phones and warned raised his hand 2 minutes later and said he forgot he had his phone…he got kicked out. Several were late and not allowed in. My D said she could tell it pained the administrator to do this but she had to follow the rules.

So I got my ap scores, IT didn’t get cancelled!! And I got a 4!

Dayum you are lucky

Lucky you; learn your lesson from this and don’t do it again. Congrats on getting a 4.