AP World or Dual credit History?

Currently, I’m planning on dual credit US History post civil war in the spring. I’m considering taking AP World but Anatomy occurs at the same time. I’ve heard things about AP World at my school being difficult and annoying The main reason I want to take AP World is to take either college physics or another math class in the spring. So I will graduate with 5 math or 5 science credits. I’m not very good at history tbh. I’m not extremely bad like C or B. I always usually get an A but it can be difficult getting there. The grading scale is less harsh though than I’m used to(93-100). Btw my school has 5 APs and I’ve taken 2 and instead of AP Lang I’m taking English 101/102. So the only one I haven’t taken(Besides ap world) is AP Chemistry but I couldn’t take it because it was the same time as physics.

Another thing I could do is take anatomy but drop honors track so I can take a second math or extra science course instead of history. But tbh I really don’t think it’s worth it to drop honors for 1 class(anatomy or extra science/math).
So which choice do you think I should choose?