<p>Can anyone that has gone to the APA day this year just explain what the day is like, or give almost a breakdown of what happens throughout the day? I have heard that there are a ton of lectures, and that there are even ice-breaker activities at lunch? Any help is appreciated!</p>
<p>It depends on what school your attending.</p>
<p>Ill be attending the school of arts and sciences.</p>
<p>I went to APA day on May 5th for SAS and let me tell you this much…its boring!</p>
<p>You come in at around 9 am, sit in a gym with like 500 kids and your parents sit atop in upper seats. You listen to the band play, then a bunch of speeches. Then you all migrate down elsewhere, a giant migration of students and everyone claps for you. Then you listen to people talk more…then break off into your groups, depending on what majors your interested in. Then at 1:30 you begin to choose your courses. Its a drag!</p>
<p>My advice…go with a friend !!</p>
<p>Perfect! Is there any time where they force you to do any ice-breakers, especially during the lunch break? Or is it meetings all day, and then during lunch we can go wherever we want and with whoever we want? I am going with a friend, but they are not taking the same classes as I am, so I heard we will be at different meetings – will we still be able to meet up for lunch or during the day?</p>
<p>The lunch timings are dependent on the group leader you are assigned to. They are students who are volunteering to help and they each take their groups at different times, so chances are you might not be in the same lunch break.</p>
<p>If you are not placed with your friend for lunch (you will most likeley not be), take advantage of the opportunity to meet other new students who are coming to Rutgers. The day is designed so that you are separated from parents and friends and re-grouped based on commonalities, like what you are interested in studying. This is the beginning of your new academic life here at Rutgers where networking and meeting new people is all part of the formative experience. Come in with an open mind and make the most of this opportunity. You can hang out with your friend from home afterwords, all summer, and in your coming years at RU.</p>
<p>At SEBS, the parents could stay with you. The advisor was horrible and didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s a shame the RU Screw happened so early!!</p>