<p>I heard there were earlier deadlines than the normal app deadline dates if you want to receive financial aid. In other words, if you don't apply to a college by a designated time, you won't receive financial aid from them. However, I've asked a ton of people about this and only one person (the one who told me about it in the first place) knew anything about it. I can't find anything on the internet either, and especially not on the sites of schools I'm applying to. They list tables of deadlines, and never include these financial aid-able deadlines. The reason why I'd really like to know this and can't just apply now is because I early apped at a school, and I won't know of their decision until the middle of December. I've heard most of these financial aid app deadlines are in the beginning of December, and I just heard about them in the beginning of this week. Please let me know if these deadlines are real or not. It sounds kind of ridiculous considering I haven't ever heard anything about it, and it seems like I would plenty of times. Anyway, if it is real, does anyone know where I can check for these dates? They don't seem to be in any sensible place on sites if they exist.</p>
<p>bring up my post… i really need to find out the answer to this, because if it’s true and I find out the deadlines are in two weeks, it’d be pretty urgent.</p>
<p>You can’t apply for financial aid right now. The FAFSA for next year hasn’t even come out yet. Now if your school requires the CSS, I know nothing about that because I’ve never filled one out. Someone else will need to answer about the CSS.</p>
<p>As veryspoiledgirl said, FAFSA cannot be filed until January. But every school has their own priority deadline for financial aid, so it is impossible to give a generic answer to your question. If they require profile or their own financial aid forms that deadline may be sooner than January. The dates will be somewhere on the financial aid pages of each school’s website.</p>
<p>For instance I see on another thread that you mention Pomona. Their financial aid deadlines are here.
[Pomona</a> College](<a href=“http://www.pomona.edu/financialaid/deadlines/deadlinesall.shtml]Pomona”>http://www.pomona.edu/financialaid/deadlines/deadlinesall.shtml)</p>
<p>They vary depending on whether you are applying early decision 1 (was November 15), early decision 2 (December 28), or regular decision (Feb 1).</p>
<p>All schools should have that info somewhere on their site - on the financial aid pages probably. It will vary so you need to check each school.</p>
<p>Okay, thanks. Does it sound normal for those deadlines to be around early December? Also, he said he was sure UW’s deadline was December 1, but on their financial aid page ([Financial</a> Aid — Freshman — University of Washington](<a href=“http://admit.washington.edu/Paying/Freshman/FinancialAid]Financial”>http://admit.washington.edu/Paying/Freshman/FinancialAid)) it makes no mention of that. I’m still really confused. I looked through my Princeton Review book that has a bunch of information on a bunch of colleges, and under financial aid, the deadlines are all for FAFSA and they’re either all or almost all due on 2/1. He also said he was sure Claremont McKenna’s was due either on 11/30, or 12/1, but that’s also due on 2/1. Also, these aren’t even app deadlines, but financial aid form deadlines, aren’t they? I’m so confused.</p>
<p>It looks like UW is a FAFSA only school. On their financial aid page it says the priority filing date is Feb 15th. If you are not sure, contact them. Financial aid officers are generally very helpful.</p>
<p>Claremont Mckenna’s financial aid page is here.
[Financial</a> Aid, Claremont McKenna College](<a href=“http://www.claremontmckenna.edu/finanaid/]Financial”>http://www.claremontmckenna.edu/finanaid/)
Their deadlines on that page stat
SO if you applied ED1 then the profile deadline is Dec 1st, ED2 profile is Jan 1. The 2/1 deadline is for regular decision applicants.</p>
<p>Yes those are financial aid deadlines not application deadlines. The admissions applications and financial aid applications are separate and may have different dates. </p>
<p>It looks like you have a mix of FAFSA only schools and FAFSA/CSS profile schools. FAFSA is the federal application for financial aid. It is used to determine your eligibility for federal and sometimes State aid. FAFSA only schools will also use it to determine their own institutional aid. </p>
<p>Schools that also require CSS will use FAFSA to determine federal aid but CSS (a much lengthier form) to determine their own institutional aid.</p>
<p>Do not miss deadlines. While you may still be able to apply for aid you may miss out on some limited funding if you miss deadlines.</p>
<p>It is better to check the deadlines on the school’s own website rather than rely on Princeton review.</p>
<p>Some schools require apps in by an earlier date to be eligible for merit scholarships. But some schools do require their own FA forms to be filed, separate from the FAFSA and Profile. You need to check each individual college webpage - looking at the admissions pages and the separate financial aid webpages. Some schools have separate merit aid webpages also. So, take a little time and check them out. Also call the particular colleges, if still in doubt. I wouldn’t rely on what other students tell you.</p>