Apparently Governors School is not cancelled...yet

Dear Members,</p>

<p>We have been asked by a program director to correct the following statement from our last group message:</p>

<p>"It is with deep regret and sadness that we notify you that the 2009 PGSE programs have been canceled by the Department of Education. The program directors were notified of the state's decision during a meeting in Harrisburg on Thursday, February 26. Applicants for summer 2009 will be receiving a letter of regret in the mail in the near future."</p>

<p>The Secretary of Education, Dr. Zahorchak made it very clear on PCN on February 26 that these programs would not be funded by the Department of Education this year. Quote: "This decision is made for the appropriation, so we're going into a year that will not have Governor's Schools."</p>

<p>However, we cannot speak about the course that individual programs and their directors will take for the summer of 2009.</p>

<p>PGSE is still up for vote in the legislature as part of cuts to the 2009-2010 state budget. Keep calling and writing letters to your legislators and the officials of the Department of Education. Now, more than ever, our voices need to be heard.


<p>Write letters and call in if you haven't already, and even if you have!</p>