Appealing financial aid?

<p>I have just received my financial aid after being admitted EA, and while I know this is only an estimate, I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience appealing the aid office for more money. The current offer is about 3k more than the MOST my parents have told me they would be able to afford and already includes a 5.5k loan for me, which I assume will only increase as the years go on. I think the offer they have presented is decent, but if I could get even more, this would make it possible for me to attend CC. Can anyone tell me how one goes about asking for more aid? Would I send them copies of my (better) aid offers from other schools?</p>

<p>If you’re applying to a bunch of other schools, I would do it this way. Call financial aid in a week or whenever they re-open. Explain your doubts about the packages and ask if they are at all flexible. My guess is that CC will not be but this is merely a feeling. They’re a need aware school and have a low acceptance rate meaning if you don’t want to pay that amount, they could easily get someone else to. Is CC your first choice? If not, still call and ask. I would bet other comparably competitive schools will give you better financial aid in the spring. If it is, obviously you have to weigh that against better offers and consider what amount of debt is worth being at CC. Hopefully this helped as I am not an expert. Browse the website to see if you can appeal although I would think it’s doubtful unless you have something that clearly isn’t shown in your reports.</p>



<p>Do you mean your net, out-of-pocket costs would be about $3K over what your family can afford? Or, do you mean the aid offer is only $3K more generous than the minimum you need (and might not be enough if the loan amounts increase)? </p>



<p>Yes, you could try that. I suggest you include a cover letter stating your parents’ position and asking for a re-assessment. Also ask for clarification about the loan amounts. If you can afford the school only if the loan rate stays flat, tell them that. </p>

<p>$3K is pretty close.</p>

<p>Yes, I mean the out-of-pocket costs. After aid, $23k is left for us to pay for, and my mom has told me that that is unaffordable. $20k is the absolute most that they say they can spend, and even that amount isn’t ideal. I know the reality is that school is going to be expensive, and our finances aren’t totally predictable according to my mom (but I’m not really sure why).</p>

<p>Have you looked into outside scholarships? Unlike many schools, unless you have federal aid, CC won’t reduce your package if you bring in outside money.</p>

<p>most colleges do accept for your financial aid appeals you just have to write them a letter letting them know if for example your family is encountering financial dificulties or if your financial situation has changed during the last month, if you have recieved any awards during this last month also let them know, once you have been admitted most of the colleges are always willing to help you afford their school</p>