For transfer appeals is there a final date for them to send out decisions or is it just that we’ll hear back when we hear back?
I’m getting real tired of waiting, I’ve been told I’ll hear back within 2 weeks for the last 12 weeks.
If anyone’s wondering, here are my transfer grades and whatnot:
Major: Applied Communications
GPA: 3.91 (don’t take community college courses in high school, they will haunt you)
Golden 4: all complete, 4.0 GPA
Prerequisites: all complete
Local: No
Reason for appeal: They did not get my DD214 to confirm my veteran status (at least that’s what the admissions officer I talked to on the phone told me)
UPDATE: just got off the phone with admissions, they’re saying it can be as late as the Add/Drop deadline for the semester, has anyone ever seen that late of an appeal?
My friend appealed to SDSU and encountered the same problem. He is still waiting for the letter. I can’t believe they said it could take that long! Hopefully they send them out soon.
how would you even register for classes or get financial aid if you get accepted that late?
I have no idea. It doesn’t make sense why it should take so long. My friend doesn’t even have much of a choice but to wait. He didn’t apply anywhere else.
Although financial aid, I believe you have until September to get financial aid for Fall 2016 and until next April to get it for the entire year. But I don’t know how adding classes would work. Classes get full very quickly. (This is my second year at state.)
I got my decision July 15, 2014.
Did you have enough time to register for classes and get financial aid?
Yes, I had the Pell grant and the University grant. I got the last orientation day, and all the classes I wanted.
I got my decision July 1 this year for Fall 2016 and was accepted. Im a comm major (liberal arts one not applied), and had a 3.3. A few other people on a different appeals thread on here have also heard back. So hopefully that means you’ll be hearing soon. Additionally, if you’re denied they only notify you by mail but if you’re accepted your webportal will change first (or so it’s been for me and the other accepted appeal I know of) so I’d be checking online often 
I’m checking several times a day (in between studying for my private pilot written exam and checkride)