Application Identifitication #?

Ok, so my school recommends we send our transcript before Jan 1. I picked out all my schools and told them where to send the info BEFORE I even applied. After a week and a half I finally applied to all my colleges. One of them was Baruch. I finished the application, sent all my grades + sats, but I never sent an essay ( would that hurt my chances?)but the most important part is I NEVER SENT IN MY APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (W#) IS THAT BAD? SHOULD I SEND IT? DEADLINES IN 3 DAYS.

I have a 94 average , my rank is 75 out of 519 I do a lot of clubs I’m in advanced classes but theres not enough money to go to a prestigious school.

What happens if I don’t send the w#?
(Sorry for my terrible grammar, I’m stressing out right now and this is the least of my problems.