<p>I am a little confused about the application process. My D’s school sent everything to Univ. of Cincinnati-ltrs of rec, transcripts, etc. She then received word that some things had not been received and some things needed to get sent directly to CCM at a different address for the application process to be completed. They sent a link to the Application handbook for details on what went where and my D and I searched everywhere and couldn’t figure out exactly what to send to UofCin and what to send to CCM. Anyone have any more info on this I would appreciate it. They won’t confirm your audition date and time until everything is completed and we are trying to schedule Unifieds at the moment.
<p>Pohsmom - I think if you look at CCM's "handbook" it tells you specifically what to send to the department and what to send to admissions. Good luck!</p>
<p>Also, another area of confusion… do we have to write a personal statement? The woman who answered the phone when I called CCM didn’t think we had to and it says nowhere under Musical Theatre’s requirements in that handbook that we have to, but when you look at purely UC stuff, it’s required. Any ideas, anyone??</p>
<p>There is no essay for BFA in MT applicants.</p>