<p>Hey everyone, I applied to JHU on Dec. 26 (I cut it really close lol), and was wondering when I will get the link to the application status website. Thanks!</p>
<p>You cut it close? I applied on the 31st, haha… I want to say it’s 15 days but that might be a different college. JHU.edu?</p>
<p>You are not going to get a link to an application status Web site because one does not exist. </p>
<p>Please do a bit of searching before posting new questions … I just answered this question a few posts below … and have answered this questions tons of times before:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/628534-does-jhu-have-application-tracking-system.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/628534-does-jhu-have-application-tracking-system.html</a></p>
<p>Admissions dan… </p>
<p>OK… I have to say that in reading some of these posts that have been asked and answered, asked and answered… I now am starting to feel frustrated FOR you. However, in fairness… the forum search tool leaves much to be desired. why they prevent you from doing multiple searches is beyond me.</p>
<p>I must agree the search tool has done me no good, beyond my learning a bit more about patience. Maybe I’m doing something wrong…</p>
<p>I must completely disagree … the College Confidential search function if used correctly is quite helpful. I am the worst at using search, but believe the CC system works quite well. </p>
<p>(1) Use the “Advanced Search” function …
(2) Search by keyword (enter a simple word like interview or tracking or recommendations or legacy or athletics … etc.) …
(3) Search in Forums = Johns Hopkins University …
(4) … and if you want specifically an answer from me … use the Search by User Name = AdmissionsDaniel</p>
<p>Additionally, my frustration grows when someone just posts a question and if they scrolled down just a bit, or went to the second or third page of previous posts, the exact same question is listed. Maybe you don’t use the search function, but spending just a couple of minutes looking for the answer would be helpful. </p>
<p>I’d also state that if someone just spends a few minutes on the “Ask Admissions” section of the Hopkins Forums ([Hopkins</a> Forums -> Ask Admissions](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)) it is so easy to find answers to one’s questions, and also probably learn a ton more of answers to related questions. There are currently 40 topics there with clear descriptions of the content inside. Nearly every admissions questions related to Johns Hopkins is answered there. I agree that the JHU Admissions main site is difficult to navigate at times, but the Hopkins Forums are so easy to find proper answers. </p>
<p>I don’t mind answering questions on College Confidential (as my nearly 2000 posts prove), but I do feel a little searching for frequently asked questions could really cut down on the clutter on these forums.</p>