Application submission for ASU

My son tried to apply for ASU via Common app but the expected Start Date does not show Fall 2024. Since ASU says Fall 2024 application is open, assumed that Common app will also be open. Can someone please confirm.

August 1, 2023 – Common Application opens for Fall 2024


You can apply to ASU using their own application.


Thank you

My daughter applied to ASU on 10/17/23, and received her acceptance for ASU, and direct entry BSN program today, 10/25/23. First one applied to, and first acceptance letter!


many congrats! What are your daughter’s stats and activities if you do not mind sharing?

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Thank You! We are thrilled, and she is no longer applying to 3 other schools that were “safety choices” because of this acceptance.
3.93 unweighted / 4.22 weighted / 4.10 UC/CSU (CA kid)
5 AP’s / will complete her IGETC certification at local community college 12/2023. Not sure exactly how much of it will or won’t transfer, not sure how much this applies because she is going into nursing.
Competitive Dancer (20+ hours per week for 6+years) / volunteer at local hospital (3 hours per week for past 6 months) / American Red Cross volunteer
Applying to 4 in-state schools, and 2 other private schools. Hoping for UC / CSU’s.
Good Luck!

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Wow… wonderful stats and extracurricular! We are in CA too, applying nursing and hoping for some good news. 3.82 unweighted 4.02 CA weighted. 5 APs, volunteering in hospital for 8 mo, varsity track 4 years; captain of the team, and president of a club for 4 years.

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