Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

Hi All! I’m starting this thread for students and/or parents who are applying to ASU for Fall 2022 admission. My daughter just applied to ASU (and several other colleges) and she will be applying to Barrett Honors College when the application opens next week. My husband and I actually went to ASU a long, long time ago. He graduated in 1995 (Engineering) and I graduated in 1996 (Psychology). :grinning:


My S22 has been accepted into computer science for Fall 2022 and will be applying to Barrett.


I am admitted to CS, too. At this time, I don’t know if the honors college is worth to apply. I am not much interested in those extra courses .

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7 year Barrett parent here - Son 1 was Chemistry Major; Son 2 is CS major. Feel free to ask me questions.

S2 will graduate in December - already accepted into 4+1 MS program. He will have his MS next December. This is part of what I like about ASU - fairly easy to graduate early or finish a Masters in 4.5 years. Between AP/IB credits and course availability - it can be done.

We live in CA and looked at many CA schools - getting a degree in 4 years was not a given.


That’s great! My daughter has 30 college credits. Mostly dual credit and some AP. She is looking at the ASU Herberger school of art for animation (which looks to be quite new) vs Texas A &M for visualization (which is well established). She has a scholarship to both schools via college board national recognition program. The Barrett’s honor college sounds good. The 4+1 sounds good too!

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Congratulations to your sons (and thanks for your service). Did your S2 do any coops or internships? What does he want to do after he completes his masters?

The art of Animation degree might be new, but the school has been around for awhile. If you plan on a visit - contact Barrett Recruiting office - they can set up tours/meetings with professors (covid dependent).

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He was awarded a DAAD-RISE research internship in Cologne, Germany (canceled by covid) and just finished a summer internship with Garmin in Chandler, AZ. At this point, he is focused on Machine language, embedded systems and possibly AI. Unclear what the “after graduation” plan is at this point.

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Oh yeah - Garmin has already offered him a “graduate” internship next summer.

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My daughter just received her acceptance to ASU. :tada:
She is working on the essay for the Barrett college application now and will get that application in soon!


Excellent. news - one in hand is nice. Barrett is more competitive than the broader ASU, but if you DD has good grades and ECs, should be a pretty solid candidate. If you have any questions about Barrett, they have great admissions advisors. They are a great resource of the most accurate information. My older son worked there as a student.

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My daughter just got her Barrett application in!

Do you know how the dorm choices work at ASU Barrett? At Texas A&M for example the minute she was accepted we paid a housing deposit because a line forms based on when you pay your deposit. It’s one of the first things people do and it’s a hot topic in that forum. When the housing portal opens in the spring they assign a 10 minute window with a date and time to login and pick your dorm and it is based on when you paid your deposit. Does ASU do this? Or as long as we pay the enrollment deposit before it opens everyone has access at once? It won’t even let her pay the enrollment deposit yet and she was accepted to ASU a couple weeks ago. Any insight as to how the process works at ASU for getting early pick of dorm rooms would be appreciated! Thanks!

Son got admitted to business school. I see the scholarship estimator on the website says it is being updated for 2022. I presume the merit scholarships are awarded much later …

I would not expect to receive the official financial aid package until March of next year. Did you file your FAFSA?

The dorm selection process has changed several times in my 8 years of involvement. Upperclass gets to pick roommates and rooms in the Spring. For Freshman, I am not sure of the current process. My two ASU students were only in the Barrett dorms for Freshman year. The next three years they were in Vista del Sol, an upperclass apartment complex for Barrett students. You might try calling ASU housing to see if they have any info.

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Hi! Yes I did email the dorm and they responded that the housing portal will open Jan 5 and anyone who has paid the enrollment deposit will be able to access it. Access isn’t based on how early or late you paid your deposit.

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My S22 just decided to add ASU to his list - he applied today. He is hoping it’s not too late to get admitted before Nov. 1 so he can submit his Barrett app. for the EA deadline. The website suggests allowing 4-6 weeks. Does anyone have any insights on the timeline?

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He can start the barrett app even before acceptance from ASU. The app is open. He can send the link in it to his recommenders and work on his essay and start filling everything out and submit it after he gets his acceptance from ASU. Tell him to check the myasu portal regularly. The acceptance will appear in there weeks before the package comes in the mail and they didn’t send an email. ASU is fast. It was the first acceptance my daughter received. Everyone has been really good about communication at ASU. My daughter even changed her major and the admissions officer took care of it quickly. She had put graphic design initially on her app and changed her mind to Art Animation and they made the change for her pretty quickly and easily.


Wise move.

If you want to save a bit of time you can actually apply to Barret even before you receive your admission notice (but not until you get a login and password).

“You do not need to wait for ASU admission – all you need is your ASURITE ID and password (if it takes longer than 72 hours after submitting your ASU application to receive this information by email, contact your ASU Admissions Representative).”

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