Applying as an international student [3.8 GPA, $2k family contribution]

I am an international student applying test-optional to Oberlin college and Connecticut College. I have 3.83 unweighted gpa and a puch of good extracurricular activities, but my family contribution is extremely low, about 2000$ per year. What are my chances? How to boost my chances and what these two colleges search for exactly?

Because you require financial aid to attend a US university, your chances will be extremely tough. It is extremely competitive to find funding and you need to be the absolutely best student.

The schools will look at your ability to pay when making a decision to admit you. These schools are “need aware” which means if you need aid to attend, they can opt to admit another student who can pay their fees.

Do you have options in your country?

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Admission to any US college is a longshot for any international student requiring a great deal of financial aid. You are, in effect, asking a private college in a foreign country to gift you an education valued at over $350,000. By all means apply and give it your all but be sure to seek out affordable options in your home country as well.

Keep in mind that your family contribution may be needed to pay for health insurance, travel, and other incidentals that are typically not covered by an academic scholarship.


You should apply to the schools that meet need but are need blind. Of course, they may determined your need differently than you.


I think Brown joins soon.

Good luck


You might look at Berea too


I believe schools with larger endowments usually have larger financial aid budgets than schools with smaller ones. Take a look at Grinnell, and Washington and Lee University.


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