Applying for admission in the Philippines without completing secondary school

<p>I'm applying for college, and I already took their entrance exam (which was easy, 150 items of IQ stuffs and a little bit of english. No math and science). The problem is, I never really finished high school. Before going to the school, I called them to ask what can I present instead of my transcript or report card from senior high to apply, the woman on the phone told me that I can present my junior high report card instead so they can process my application immediately. After taking the test, the registrar said I cannot use my junior high report card for my application, which confused me because that's what the other woman told me to bring. They're asking for a 'Certificate of Enrollment' if by some reason I cannot present my transcript/Senior report card. I told them that my high school won't release any of my papers due to debt. What can I do? I really need to start college now. </p>

<p>P.S. : If you're going to say I should just pull out my application and finish my high school instead, then no, It's now or never for me. I have a plan. Since they're not that strict about requirements (some students enrolled there didn't pass their transcript until their last semester before graduating). I'm going to take PEP test eventually (GED in the USA). But the problem is, I can't take PEP until 2013 and I need to go to college right now.</p>