<p>I'm still a freshman right now, about to start 2nd semester. I go to a public school in California.</p>
<p>I was wondering, does HADES take students in 11th grade? i want to apply next year as a sophomore.</p>
<p>I have a 4.0 GPA, 50+ hours of community service at food kitchen,DECA officer (some awards from competitions), office of local youth committee and i'm also fluent in 4 languages (if that helps lol).</p>
<p>I mean what can i do with the time i have to improve my chances of getting into HADES?</p>
<p>you have very good stats (though we still have to see your ssat scores etc. and more of your stats) but this really should be on the stats thread. good luck !</p>
<p>Frosh/Soph. in Tennis (school is #1 in district so really hard), i’ve also won some writing contests. and i work as a translator (Spanish) in my local food bank. i think my passion is writing and languages.</p>
<p>Although your stats are clearly excellent and by all mean considerable for eleventh grade at any Hades school (as long as you do well on the ssat and the interview), you should consider repeating the tenth grade.</p>
<p>Ya Konstantin I have pretty good stats as well , but I’m worried about 1 subject at boarding school that Im not very comfortable with mostly because of how my school has taught it to me. I’m a little young for my grade so this has mad me seriously consider applying as a repeat 10th, I have lots of ECs and will probably need time to adjust to doing all that extra work and keeping up with what I love to do.</p>