Applying to Ivies Class of 2013

<p>That was how my Junior prom was. Everybody all grinding and shaking it in each other. I was thinking where the H 3 L L are the teachers/charperones? I felt soooo awkward and uncomfortable on the dance floor. lol</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-MS910 using CC</p>

<p>I have never been to a hs dance so I definitely want to go to prom. I think its not so much the actual dance but the getting dressed up, taking pics part.</p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>Things change as the years after high school pass by.</p>

<p>You realize more and more that doing things just because everyone else does it or even not doing things because everyone else is doing it is silly. Just do you and have fun being you. I hate bullies because they have to mess stuff up for other people.</p>

<p>Sorry to switch the subject guys. Rejected to MIT. :frowning: Kinda bummed out, but I guess it’s all for the best.</p>

<p>P.S: All of your proms are so early; ours is in late April!</p>

<p>This thread is for Ivies bruh.</p>

<p>Our prom is early May, by the way.</p>

<p>My Senior Ball is April 27th. :)</p>

<p>i’m sorry nagela :frowning: I bet you have other great options coming your way!</p>

<p>mine is mid may.</p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>Oh gosh everyone’s is so late! Mine’s in June!</p>

<p>This is so off topic, but I’m rather fed up with black celebrities.
Especially the musicians. -_-</p>

<p>^Which ones?</p>

<p>I really like Alicia Keys.</p>

<p>I’m lucky I found this forum… Just for African American. It always feels great to find people that look like me that want to do great things…</p>

A lot of the rappers. Some singers.Tyler freaking Perry. This may sound weird, but I kinda think that many of the songs they sing, movies they’re in and the roles they take at times are influencing our community negatively. There’s a glorification of that which is anti intellectual. Our youth especially mimic everything these people do and believe them to be gods because of the riches they posses. Guess I’m saying that black celebs should be guarded in everything they do/say. They have a huge responsibility…
Also, why does so much of black music revolve around dissing, sex and other vulgar themes these days?</p>

<p>Alicia Keys is pretty classy. Not sure of her personal life bc I don’t research celebs extensively, but she’s okay.</p>

<p>I do think there is a lot of shucking and jiving out there. Celebs getting paid to be caricatures of a stereotype feeling justified by the millions they get for it.</p>

<p>I get what your saying. I don’t know how much influence they have on blacks as much as they have on whites who take serious blacks less serious because of they hear the N-word coming from us, we treat black women like wh@$&! and B@&$"?$ and the Housewives of Atlanta are disgusting middle age Jersey Shore wannabes.</p>

<p>Exactly! And when anyone speaks out they’re branded a “hater” and told to hush. The status quo is maintained, black celebs are not held to a high standard, folks still shun education and our entire community is a damn laughing stock.
And the bit about being taken as a joke…I agree. Sure it isn’t right to generalize, but let’s face it. Blacks are constantly doing idiotic things and it’s EVERYWHERE. Our dirty laundry is aired in the media all the time. I can’t really blame non blacks for their conclusions. T_T It’s human nature and I do the same…</p>

<p>Sometimes I feel ashamed to be African American because it’s as if we don’t have a real culture. It’s just a collection of negative stereotypes. Sure I kid myself with cheesy “black people rock” lines of reasoning and lessen my shame of belonging to a community that seems to detest intellectual achievements by remembering Carver and his peanuts. But…when is the last time we’ve been involved in inventing or discovering something great? Can we do anything other than that which entertains?
Then I feel guilty because I haven’t achieved much of anything nor have I represented my culture to the fullest. </p>

<p>I remember some kid on this forum accusing me of hating my blackness. Well…I kinda do. If I had a chance to be another race, I’d take it. The rejection I often feel from my own people is too overwhelming.
Phew. It’s a relief to admit that. :&lt;/p>

<p>Sorry for this post if it comes off jumbled. I’m just so confused right now…</p>

<p>That’s not fair, though. There’s a pretty prominent sphere of idiot celebrity whites embodying a culture that no one actually approves of yet gets overrepresented, but whites in general don’t have to worry about negative stereotypes posed on them. Why? Because they don’t face stereotype threat like we do; it’s all part of the white privilege package. You’re confusing representations with reality, internalizing the perceptions whites have of us instead of seeing the real depth of black culture.</p>

<p>That’s just it. What is black culture? What does it truly entail? I don’t know.
What I feel is based not on what white society has told me, but on my personal experiences. </p>

<p>Ahhh, white privilege. Very intriguing topic.</p>

<p>I don’t know what I’m talking about. >.></p>

<p>Neither do I.
This has been bugging me for ages.</p>

<p>Your feelings are real but your reactions are extreme.</p>

<p>It changes with time for the better. Even some of the people who offend you the most now will come to some level of admiration and respect of your success in the future.</p>

<p>The anti-intellectuals are victims of the culture and will suffer the most for it. You may have to put up with some crap now but remember that they are the victims, the crabs in the barrel. You will get out of that barrel, they won’t.</p>

<p>I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again.</p>

<p>How would I reach out to them?</p>