<p>I am planning on applying to a summer math camp, but I feel that I should apply to more than one in case I get rejected from a particular one. I was planning on applying to Mathcamp (If I get in I will be the happiest kid alive), HCSSiM, and AwesomeMath as a last resort if I dont get into HCSSiM or mathcamp. If I get accepted to one of those two and AwesomeMath, can I cancel my application for AwesomeMath? Because I really want to go HCSSiM/Mathcamp and would prefer it 100x over studying purely for competitions. </p>
<p>There is probably a penalty for canceling. You can call Awesome Math to ask for details. HCSSiM won’t even have their problem set available until some time in March. I wouldn’t expect a response from them until at least April.</p>
<p>Without a doubt, you can cancel. Many programs have cancellation policies once you commit to attending. You may lose some portion of your deposit.</p>