<p>Once you have accepted your offer of appointment when will appointee packets or kits be mailed out. When will your status online change to appointee? My D signed her paperwork in late December and we have heard nothing. Is this normal?</p>
<p>I signed and sent middle of December, and it updated to “Appointment Accepted” within a few weeks. Got my Instructions to Appointee kit a few weeks ago.</p>
<p>I would call your admissions counselor.</p>
<p>I don’t think its a problem just yet. I got my appointment in early December and ‘just’ got mine. I did call my counselor and she said the time of appointment is not necessarily connected and two people from the same town could get it at completely different times (that’s what had me concerned in my case.)</p>
<p>Whereas I accepted mine and in about a week and a half, I got the “ominous package” lol</p>
<p>I got my kit in April, and I accepted in March. No need to worry. They send them out in waves. The Academy knows you are coming.
I can’t believe you all are arriving in june. I was just saying how quiet the T-zo has gotten. It’s so nice here.</p>