Appreciating Your Cyber Friends

I saw this on Huff Post and thought of all of us here.

Raising my glass!! (of water) :slight_smile: <3

Oh, I’m way beyond water. :wink:

Fern Ridge Sav Blanc anyone?

I’ve been wishing and hoping some of the old timers would show back up here.


^She wrote while drinking Martini

Love it and thank you for sharing! What a great article. I find you all, my online friends, are invaluable and have given better advice many times than IRL friends. I do love this community to come to everyday!

Can’t decide if constantly refreshing CC is good for my psyche or bad. But I can’t help it, so cheers to everyone. Must be giving me some kind of payback, so it can’t be all bad.

Cheers, all. (lifts glass of pinot noir - appreciates DH stocking up several weeks ago)

I was just telling my husband this afternoon that I was getting to know and feeling closer to many of you on CC. Certainly without CC I would be aggravating him much more than usual.

I hope when this is all over and I get to Seattle to see our son (sob) that maybe I can meet some of the Seattle posters in person. And I would be more than happy to meet anyone visiting San Diego.

Raising my glass of pinot noir to the CC community. I was beginning to feel a little punchy - even said something a bit political on FB, which is completely out of character for me. So I poured a glass of wine and came to CC. Glad to find an uplifting thread. Cheers!

Yes! I am also profoundly grateful to the CC community for being the best compendium of information, good cheer with some honest wrangling of issues, and concern ever.

Marilyn, one of these days when visiting my S in SD will try to get in touch.

I LOVE this community. Intelligent, compassionate (for the most part), willing to share. Thanks all!

To my friends! Hugs to all.

(A glass of Kiona blend raised!)

And hoisting the water I’ll use to wash down my melatonin. You’re the best!

I don’t post as often as many here but I come on every day and have spent a good chunk of every day since sheltering in place here. It has brought me much comfort. In a weird way, I too consider this a community I’m part of and am so very appreciative.

My husband asked how I was holding up. The thing is, that in absence of real in person interaction, an online forum so vibrant, helpful and caring, things would be much worse for my mental health.

So thank you.

But since it’s morning now, I’ll raise my coffee to all here.

Yes, thanks to CC for a wonderful 11 years. I have learned so much and gained many friends.

Now whenever I have a question about ANYTHING, I think of posing it on CC first because I know someone will be able to answer it.

Raising my coffee to all of you!

I am a seldom poster, but daily patron of the ‘cafe’.
What a wonderful group to go through life’s stages with.

I also seldom post but check in every day. I’m raising my coffee mug to all now, but come five o’clock I’ll toast with a manhattan! Fortunately (or unfortunately) my husband has been perfecting his craft cocktail skills. Desperately needed, isolated with mom who has dementia, live in caregiver, and our three kids scattered throughout the country.

Raising my now cold tea to all of you. The wisdom, advice, and humor here can help get through almost any situation.