<p>List the sites you visit, and the April Fools Jokes that come out of them.</p>
<p>I'm still waiting for kongming.net ( <a href="http://kongming.net/archived/%5B/url%5D">http://kongming.net/archived/</a> ) - but none came for 2006. As for others...</p>
<p>HeavenGames => private messaging feature (not... => the forum software predates the mass usage of private messages).
Gmail => Gmail paper (I doubt Gmail would net a profit out of that)</p>
<p>Wikipedia --> True, but strange articles on the Main Page. (George Washington as the inventor of instant coffee and the like)</p>
<p>Google --> Google TISP. <a href="http://www.google.com/tisp/%5B/url%5D">http://www.google.com/tisp/</a> :D</p>
You are on Facebook, reading your News Feed. 11:27am</p>
<p>Harry and Voldemort have set their relationship status to "Mortal Enemies." 1:01pm</p>
<p>Two of your oxen drowned when you tried to ford the river. 4:58pm</p>
<p>Meredith and McDreamy have changed their relationship status to "It's Complicated" ... oh wait ... "In a Relationship" ... oh wait ... "It's Complicated" again. 9:40pm</p>
<p>Introducing LivePoke™! 12:25am
Facebook will dispatch a real live person today to poke a friend of your choice.*
*offer good for only the first 100 pokers in each network.</p>
<p>Mugglenet.com - the publishers gave them Harry Potter 7 early.</p>
<p>"I couldn't believe Snape was the long lost love child of Aberforth and that goat. It explains so much, including Severus' appearance. And we now know why he told Harry to never call him a 'cow'-ard, because he was in fact part goat." -Micah</p>
<p>"I still laugh every time I think about Draco and those geese. I guess it's not just sleeping dragons you're not suppose to tickle." -Natalie</p>
<p>you forgot another facebook one:
Bracket Buster: Ohio State and Florida have mutually agreed on a tie and will not play the championship game</p>
<p>rofl...(10 chars)</p>
ar Readers,</p>
<p>First, thank you so much for all these wonderful years
we've shared here at Kongming's Archives -- I will never
forget them. They will always serve as an inspirational
reminder of the good that exists in all people.</p>
<p>That being said, after considering matters carefully,
I've decided to close Kongming's Archives forever. This
is not due to any fault of you, our reader, but rather
due to people I once counted among my dear friends at
our forum, the Scholars of Shen Zhou.</p>
<p>You see, on March 15th, Kong Wen and Lady Wu, co-admins
and once-dear friends, repeatedly suspended my account.
At first I thought it a joke, but when they started trying
to lock me from the server, reality set in and I gave up.
I no longer felt welcome. Kong Wen then established some
Republic Dictatorship, banned my dear friends Rhiannon
and Lion's Mane, ousted Lady Wu (no trust among thieves)
and even removed Sun Gongli for attempting to facilitate
my return and supporting rebellion. Kong's key supporters
are now lessthanpleased and Jimayo, more former friends.
Others such as secrecy and DynastyWarriors6 still call
for my return, but I fear their words are being wasted.</p>
<p>I'm now going to devote myself to my other passions,
such as my family and writing. I may create a new site
dedicated to something completely different, and everyone
will be welcome to join if it suits their fancy.</p>
<p>For now, you can still access Kongming's Archives.
And if you wish, feel free to write me.</p>
<p>May happiness always find you,
- James Peirce
<p>The mugglenet gag is continued in this week's mugglecast where the hosts discuss their impressions of the book. ;) I think this version is much funnier than what's posted on the site, because you have them talking and playing off each other's words. Very funny.</p>
<p>Also, for those "Angel" fans out there: Dick</a> Cheney Signs on at Wolfram and Hart</p>
<p><a href="http://www.fphclan.com%5B/url%5D">http://www.fphclan.com</a> forums:</p>
<p>Everyone's forum name is changed to Drone #xyza, their post counts to 0, any trace of their identification lost to the winds.</p>