APs in senior year

<p>I planned to take AP physics, chem, macro, stat, cal bc, lit next year but I think since colleges will not get the AP scores next May I don't have to take those tests, am I right?</p>

<p>they still will see that you are taking the classes (unless you are self studying)</p>

<p>still, you can say that you are self studying.</p>

<p>I’m definitely taking the courses but do I have to take the AP tests next May?</p>

<p>It depends if you want college credits.</p>

<p>If you don’t take the AP tests, then that means you only took the classes for college and not to learn. I personally don’t really like it when people do that.</p>

<p>Seniors at my school did that last year. They skipped the AP Econ/Gov test that they took 1st semester and didn’t remember as well. They got in trouble and now we are forced to take the AP tests. I obviously have no objection to that.</p>

<p>it depends. if i don’t take the AP exams then my school removes the AP from my transcript and it is just listed as a regular course.</p>

<p>Just take it for college credit. Isn’t that the whole purpose of AP exams?</p>

<p>not necessarily, the purpose is to take the hardest, most challenging courses available and to learn as much as possible. Moreover, taking the AP class and not taking the exam doesn’t necessarily mean that the person in question did it for college: what if the said college doesn’t accept AP scores, then really what’s the point? It won’t make a difference in terms of learning whether you take the exam or not. if you have learned everything up to the exam what makes you think that taking the exam will add anything at all?</p>

<p>There are two things to consider. The first, as stated above, is if there is any advantage for you to take it in terms of college credit or anything like that. The second thing is the dollar cost for you to take the exam. Many schools have plans where they pay for some or all of your AP Exam costs and in this case, you owe it to them to take the exam and do your best. If you cover the full cost of the exam on your own, then it is completely your preference.</p>

<p>“If you don’t take the AP tests, then that means you only took the classes for college and not to learn. I personally don’t really like it when people do that.”</p>

<p>I personally don’t really like it when people think that. I took AP English and AP Physics last year to LEARN the material, but I didn’t take the tests for them because I was in the classes only for the sake of learning and challenging myself, not to study for some arbitrary test. On the other hand, I did take the exam for AP Stats (really shouldn’t have…) and got a 5 on it. I learned absolutely nothing, remember absolutely nothing, but will be able to get college credit for it. I won’t be using that credit though; I don’t think getting a 5 on an exam truly proves that I’ve learned anything.</p>

<p>I’m not taking the AP tests for most of my AP classes this year for several reasons: 1. My school doesn’t give credit for some APs 2. I want to build a solid foundation in science/math for the MCATs so I’m going to retake intro calc (equivalent to BC), intro bio, etc.
So back to the OP’s original question, no, you don’t have to take those tests at all if you don’t want to.</p>