
<p>Is anyone else extremely sick of that American Public University ad? I dunno if it's the same for you, but it's literally the ONLY ad that shows up for me when I'm on this site; argh! </p>


<p>I’m eligible for a green card! :smiley: I only have to pay like $200 to get special counseling - but hey, all these nice people say it’s legitimate and…</p>

<p>I’m getting all kinds of crazy ads, ranging from taking online classes (maybe I’ll end up doing just that, since I spent more time on CC than writing my real college apps) to “get a free GC” and the University of Jordan.</p>

<p>I’m currently in the stage of panic where one laughs a lot - not a funny laugh, but a psychotic laugh. </p>


<p>it’s almost as bad as devry university man… or even (gasps…) ITTTECH.</p>

<p>At least you are getting variety, I’m stuck with this ugly man and woman, smiling awkwardly at me. Blah.</p>

<p>I AGREE. APU IS ****ING ME OFF. That’s the ONLY ad I get. One that just has writing, and another that’s a white guy and a black chick, to show that of course APU accepts ALL races.</p>

<p>Lol, exact same ad.</p>

<p>hell, if none of us get into stanford, at least we know we stand a low reach / high match chance at american public!</p>

<p>You speak the truth once again!</p>

<p>I dare you to click on the ad!</p>

<p>Wait… there are ads on this site?</p>

<p>YES, no more ads. I’m back to using Firefox with my Ad Block Plus.</p>

<p>is it just me or does the woman look like she has angel wings?</p>

<p>I’ve been thinking that for weeks now!</p>

<p>i dont get ads</p>

<p>the “angel wings” are the back of somebody’s head.</p>

<p>Well, yeah, they are, but I like to call them angel wings.</p>