<p>I'm having some trouble with the weird multiple choice questions given to us in class <_<. I already eliminated some of the answers, but the rest are listed and I'm not sure which one to choose so uh... if you can, try to add some evidence so it'll sound convincing =P</p>
<p>Which of the following is an accurate statement about colonial society in the mid-18th Century. </p>
<p>A) married women were responsible for managing farms.
C) the vast majority of families lived in rural areas. </p>
<p>An educational profile of the population of British North America in the 18th Century would reveal that: </p>
<p>A) Most children under the age of 16 were educated in public schools.
C) the vast majority of colonists could neither read nor write.
E) Well over half of adult men could read and write.</p>
<p>One of the most significant differences between the early 17th century colonists in Massachusetts Bay and those in Chesapeake Bay was that: </p>
<p>C) women had significantly higher status in Chesapeake Bay than in Massachusetts Bay
E) widows remained single longer in Chesapeake Bay than Massachusetts Bay</p>
<p>Which of the following accurately reflects the population of the US between 1790 and 1830? </p>
<p>B) percentage of urban dwellers more than doubled
C) the population increased by almost 1/3 each decade. </p>
<p>Massachusetts Bay colonists fought a war with the Pequot Indians in 1637 after</p>
<p>A) English settlers Pequots' power in New England
D) New England colonial governments took land by eminent domain. </p>
<p>THANKS! And for those who are pretty sure with their answers -- where do you get all this info?</p>
<p>Is there a specified region? Society in the north and south varied a lot. I don’t think A is right though.</p>
<p>I’m almost certain it’s C. One problem in the Chesapeake was that there was a huge imbalance between men and women (in terms of quantity). Women got married fast.</p>
<p>I was kind of stuck in between. Wouldn’t women not want to marry? Because they know that if they marry, they would lose their property…so women, as soon as they widowed, would stay single? </p>
<p>Unless they were forced into marriage…hmm…or they couldn’t survive by being single? But that only applies to non-widows…</p>
<p>You are only that far in your APUSH class…? I assume you are going in order, but that’s just the beginning, no? My class is already at the Civil War, is that abnormal?</p>
<p>Another set of weird multiple choice questions…</p>
<p>Bleh…I’m stuck. I’m not sure why I wouldn’t choose B, but it just seems too “obvious”, you know? As for C, there were some blacks who owned property, but that’s not to say land…</p>
<p>HMM. And another one which is more annoying: </p>
<p>Now I don’t recall the south having special medicine, so I’m crossing out D and E. On the other hand…I don’t think it is A, because it seemed like they still gave birth to more children than northern women. </p>
<p>So it is really between B and C…and B just seems less radical, you know what I mean? </p>
<p>No idea <_<. Where can I possibly get these stats? =o</p>