Architecture and Business

<p>I'm a 22yr old student working at a bank. I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do when I first started college but now that I do 5yrs has went by. And for a B.Arch degree I need 5 more years starting this fall. I wanted to if I also take a BBA with my B.Arch would that increase the chances of getting a job. And eventually if I don't get a M.Arch I would still like to get an MBA. Now job wise would that be a mistake or am I going down the right path? It would take me 2 more years to get a BBA and 5 more to get my B.Arch. I searched this forum and havn't found any architecture major with a business degree. </p>

<p>Also my college for Bachelor of Science in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION has 3 options.
1) Management Information Systems
2) Management of Operations and Technology Management
3) Marketing</p>

<p>If you do suggest to go ahead and get a BBA with a B.Arch. Which of those 3 tracks would be better for architecture?</p>

<p>You could also look into a school like Kent State. They have a 4+2 option in architecture. However, if your qualified, you can apply for a special program that offers the Bachelor of Science in Architecture in 4 years, a Master of Architecture in 1 1/2 years, and a MBA in that same 1 1/2 year span. Iā€™m told its incredibly demanding but it appears to be what you looking for in a pretty similar time span as mentioned above.
Check their website out yourself for specifics:
This may give you a start
[KSU:CAED</a> - Graduate Overview](<a href=ā€œ]KSU:CAEDā€></p>