Are 4 HL classes worth it?

I need help, I am in the process of choosing my classes for next year. 2 HL classes are already mandatory in my school (HL English and HL History of the Americas). In the future, I want to do something medically related, but I am also looking into getting the bilingual diploma with a spanish literature course (HL). Is it worth it choosing HL Biology and HL Spanish Literature or should I just stick with one course? I do plan to continue with a medical career, however, i know that getting a bilingual diploma will help me with any path I decide to take. I also plan to continue Spanish in college. I want to take these two courses but I am worried that it would be too challenging and that it would come with too much pressure.

Since you want to do something medically related in the future I would definitely prioritize HL Bio over HL Spanish. Furthermore, you don’t need a bilingual diploma to prove that you’re fluent in spanish. Not to mention that taking 2 HL literature courses seems like a lot of reading and writing IMHO. I’m assuming you’re going into your first level of IB since you say you’re choosing classes. Why don’t you just take all 4 for your junior year and if the workload gets to be too much, just drop one of your HL’s before actually registering for the exams in your 2nd year.