Is taking 4 HL Courses worth it for my future?

I need help, I am in the process of choosing my classes for next year. 2 HL classes are already mandatory in my school (HL English and HL History of the Americas). In the future, I want to do something medically related, but I am also looking into getting the bilingual diploma with a spanish literature course (HL). Is it worth it choosing HL Biology and HL Spanish Literature or should I just stick with one course?

Do you plan to continue Spanish in college, or otherwise use it? If so, then taking the highest level of Spanish you can in high school can help you toward that goal.

With respect to biology or other subjects, it depends on your college academic interests.

I plan to continue with a medical career, however, i know that getting a bilingual diploma will help me with any path I decide to take. I also plan to continue Spanish in college. I want to take these two courses but I am worried that it would be too challenging and that it would come with too much pressure.

Do both if you feel like you can handle it and receive a good GPA.

4 HLs is going to be very, very hard. What would your other classes be? Can you take a few “easy” classes, like choir or current events? Will you have a math class (Math SL, Precalc, Precalc Honors, AP Stats? Make sure you have calculus senior year.)

I would be taking English HL, History HL, Spanish Literature HL, Art SL, Biology HL, Math SL, and Physics

CP Physics or Physics SL?


okay, I think it’s doable/ HARD, but doable.
CHeck with your GC: what do you have to do if you find out it’s too hard and you have to “downgrade” a course, or change it altogether for another class?

4HL isn’t nearly that hard… IB isn’t very taxing at all.
HOWEVER, HL English is hands down the hardest subject to excel in (something like 2% get a 7).
If you plan on a medical career I suggest you take HL biology and chemistry which is usually the requirement for med schools.

Of course. Neither are quantum physics nor mastering a foreign language.

HL Bio and chem are not required for med school and in any case premed must retake the 1st year bio and chem classes in college, so while they’d be good preparation, med schools couldn’t care less what you did in HS.

Oh ok, I was under the impression that it was required as all of my medical aspiring classmates take HL bio and chem. Ill take your word for it.

Seriously though, 4 HLs isn’t hard as long as you’re not taking HL English.

ChiefCurry, are you in the US, where you and your classmates will be premed, or are you abroad, where you’ll start med school right away?

The normal program is 3HLs, 3SLs. (Check the official website)

Yea the normal program is 3HL, 3SL
Most people take 3 HL and 3 SL in my school as well.

Edit: Is it just OPs school that requires HL English and HL history? Those are easily two of the more time consuming subjects.

Yes, some schools don’t have enough science/math teachers for STEM HLs.

@ChiefCurry Where did you get that percentage? 2% get 7s in English HL? As far as I know, the lowest percentages for 7s are in History HL and Psychology HL, fluctuating around 3-7%, followed shortly with Biology HL at 4-6%. (November 2014 Results)

Also, to clear things up a little, if the OP is planning on going straight to a medschool, especially in UK or Australia (or any other Commonwealth), Chemistry HL is a prerequisite. Biology HL is not. To this day, I regret not taking Physics HL over Biology HL. If OP is planning to take pre-med in the States, nothing is a prerequisite, really.

@zasder I took 4 HLs. It was fine. As a senior, I will say that as long as you are motivated, you will do great :slight_smile: A note about the Bilingual Diploma, however. There are 2 major ways you can obtain it:

  1. 2 Language A's, may be at HL or SL (you do not have to take English HL and Spanish HL to get a Bilingual Diploma. I took English and Indonesian LangLit SL, and can still get one)
  2. Completion of a Group 3 or 4 Subject in a language other than your Language A (For example, if you took History HL in Spanish or German, you wouldn't even need to take another Language A to get a Bilingual Diploma)

My 4 HLs were: Math HL, Biology HL, Chemistry HL, and History HL (History of Europe and the Middle East mostly). My 2 SLs were: English and Indonesian LangLit SL.

I would like to caution you, however. Please do not in any way think 4 HLs is not “very hard.” It is. Most nights, I lay in bed thinking about the “bad decision” I made in taking 4 HLs.

Now about your subject selections. You said:
“I would be taking English HL, History HL, Spanish Literature HL, Art SL, Biology HL, Math SL, and Physics”

  1. I will say the hardest out of your subjects is History HL.
  2. 2 Language HLs are not taxing (believe me. It's the "go to" selection for people in my school if they want "easier" 7s).
  3. Art SL will be taxing. Do you need to take it? If not, change it to Chemistry SL or Physics SL. It's not worth stressing over if you're not going to pursue it.
  4. Biology HL and History HL IS A DEADLY COMBINATION. ESPECIALLY IF THEIR PAPERS OCCUR ON THE SAME DAY! (Please forgive the all caps. It is DEADLY). You're better off taking Physics HL and Biology SL.

Just my thoughts. Take them with a grain of salt. You know yourself the best. :slight_smile: And good luck with IB Programme. It is very rewarding :slight_smile: