Are all ABET accredited programs created equal? How to evaluate/choose a program

I used ME as a proxy for the total number of schools in the US, because schools usually have multiple programs. If they’re going to gave any, they’ll likely have ME, as it’s the most popular engineering major. The exceptions are the small schools like HMC and Swarthmore that only offer General Engineering. From that, you can intuit that there are roughly 350 institutions in the US that offer ABET accredited engineering of some flavor.

There are about 250 that offer Civil, and ABET is very important for them. I believe it’s a requirement to sit for the PE Exam.

I see.

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You are probably correct. However, my DD was deferred from NCSU (not engineering) with a 4.3/3.7 in EA and better than excellent ECs. Got into UNC EA where she now attends. That typically does not happen. The only way I can explain is that she was test optional. I think no matter how “optional” tests are, for schools like NCSU they matter because inflated GPAs and such. Now could be my DD was an outlier and the AO was having a bad moment or whatever. No way to know.