Are all of my schools reach schools?

<p>I wanted to know if I should find any other schools to apply to because I think I may only be applying to reach schools. The schools I have applied to or will apply to are NYU, American University, George Washington, Harvard, Brown, Princeton, Columbia, and then I have one back up in University of South Carolina but I am afraid that its honors college is also a reach (I have heard it is the best public honors college in the country). I have already been accepted to American University of Paris but that is going to be very expensive so it is not much of a fallback(my family is not in a great financial situation) </p>

<p>GPA: 3.892 unweighted; 4.770 SC uniform grading scale
AP: Euro-3, Chem-5, US history-4, language, literature, biology, environmental science, statistics
Honors Classes: English 2-4, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculas, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry 1 and 2, French 3 and 4, World Geography, World History (school does not offer honors in Algebra 1, English 1, or French 1 and 2)
No IB at my school
Multiple extra online classes during the summer and school year
Rank:4 out of 315 in very competitive public school(considered one of best in the state)</p>

National Merit Scholar Commended student
Student of the Month (first ever)
AP scholar
Junior Marshall</p>

Marching Band: In the color guard 9-11 grade, leader 10 and 11, won state contest all three years, grand champions at western carolina tournament of champions, participated in grand nationals in Indianapolis, marched in Macy's Thanksgiving parade</p>

<p>Beta Club
Junior Civitan
Young Democrats( helped set up and participated in debate against the young republicans)
Classic Film Club(helped to set up the club)
International Club
Volunteer at the humane society
Assistant Poll Manager in Primary and General Election
Cashier at Harris Teeter about 12 hours a week on average
SAT:2180(CR-770, M-710, W-700)
SAT II: Chem-790, Bio-770, US history-740
ACT: Composite-33, English 34, Math 33, Reading 32, Science 32</p>

<p>You should find schools that you are in the upper end of the middle 50% and then schools that you will definitely be accepted to</p>

<p>Also if you have any suggestions, I am looking at either an International affairs, political science or anthropology degree</p>

<p>Poly sci, so much opportunity</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about USC, but besides them everything on your list is a reach or match (with most of them being reaches). You need more matches and safeties…</p>

<p>bump… any ideas on which are match and which of these are reach?</p>

<p>In short: No, not all your schools are reaches. Details below.</p>

<p>NYU: Low match (perhaps even safety)
American: Safety
Brown: Reach
Harvard: Reach
Princeton: Reach
Columbia: Reach
GWU: Match (GWU seems to be the only school remaining that suffers from Tufts Syndrome, even when its namesake institution has been cured from it)
U South Carolina: Safety</p>