Are all of these statements true?

<p>Recently, I was on and i came accross this description of JHU and what its students have to say about it. Are all of these things true?</p>

<p>What Johns Hopkins Students Say About... </p>

<p>Student Body
A typical student who chooses Johns Hopkins might be described as "overly ambitious," "introverted," and "hardworking." To some people, the assortment of "too many weirdos" that makes up the student body displays "little personality." On the one hand, a few students accuse their group of peers, in general, of being "ruled too much by their parents' wishes." On the other hand, one student tells us, "People surprise me (in a good way) every day." Even if "kids could be cooler," respondents agree that "most are good people" and "everyone tends to work together." Accusations of blandness aren't universal; some students boast that "everyone here has done interesting things." While many students say, "We all get along," the population seems to "lack of a sense of unified community," and at times "cultural barriers are very hard to break through."</p>

<p>Haha... where to start? When I was considering where to apply, I really put very little value in these types of reviews. Why? Because the people who are really vocal in voicing their opinions are normally the ones who aren't happy. The "hardworking" and "ambitious" comments are true; the "introverted", "too many wierdos" and "little personality" reflect some people on campus, but the same is true at any school.</p>

<p>The most important thing, as I wrote in another thread, is don't try to make judgements about any school until you get a chance to visit. Don't rely on other people's opinions about the student body, the social life or the campus - come see it for yourself (applies to any college you're applying to)</p>

<p>Tanman provided an excellent reason to not place much value on what you read in those "lovely" guidebooks (lovely should be read with as much biting sarcasm as possible). I will add that these guidebooks tend to never update their materials, despite saying they have updated info.</p>

<p>Since I was applying to college way back when (almost 15 years ago) the Princeton Review said the exact things about Hopkins. So the school has not changed??? I've worked for Hopkins for four years and I have seen drastic changes in just that time, and have heard that the school and its student body is much different than 10-15 years ago. </p>

<p>Read everything about every school with real skepticism when relying on these guide books. Go visit and make your own impressions. If you can't visit, try to connect with CURRENT students as much as you can. (Suggestion - most schools have chats, and some have blogs, message boards, etc...use them.)</p>

<p>I would actually say that is one of the better descriptions of Hopkins that I have read. On the surface I would agree with everything that it has said.</p>

<p>And yes, I am a student there</p>

<p>However, there was a recent article (I believe on JHU's website) that cited a pretty good percentage of students were unhappy or expected to be unhappy when they got there...correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading it.</p>

<p>Ya I found this article in the JHU news letter:</p>

<p>CUE update addresses Univ. flaws</p>

<p>Students' concerns conflict with report's new recommendations
May 05, 2006</p>

<p>A second Commission on Undergraduate Education (CUE) Report proposes recommendations to alleviate campus-wide problems recognized by the administration, primarily in the areas of academics and recruitment, despite student concerns focusing on social limitations and quality of life. </p>

<p>Since 2003, the CUE has been responsible for formally promoting changes to the University; resulting projects include the construction of the Charles Commons and revamped dining services. </p>

<p>The administration is currently confident that the addition of the recreational space in Charles Commons will improve the vitality of student life on campus, as well as mark the beginning of moving upperclassmen back into the fold of the Hopkins community. </p>

<p>Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education Paula Burger said, "We're counting on one hand, not two, until the University can offer housing to more upperclassmen in light of the completion of Charles Commons and the purchase of The Charles and Blackstone. Although there is a significant amount of work to be done before either is treated as part of University housing." </p>

<p>Underclassmen have lamented the apparent absence of juniors and seniors to serve as role models and leaders outside of academic settings. Freshman Mary Schindler said, for example, "The only time I interact with seniors is during my upper-level courses. There is no central Univ. flowsplace for all students to gather. The library shouldn't count and neither should the dining halls, even if they do improve. From talking with friends at other schools I feel like Hopkins is very decentralized, which is ridiculous because we're a very small school." </p>

<p>Also, more students vocalized the desire for a better social environment. Freshman Matthew DeSantis said, "As a competitive and prestigious university, Hopkins is required to continually improve our academic programming. It seems that sometimes the administration forgets that while we are all here receive a superior education they also have the obligation to make our lives enjoyable in the process. It's not a coincidence that Hopkins is stereotyped as a 'nerds that have no fun' school." </p>

<p>Some of the prominent recommendations in the newly revised CUE report, whose release is scheduled for May 18, include the alternation of class scheduling, specialized recruitment for minorities and humanities and continued improvement with both housing and dining. </p>

<p>It is the administration's hope that with the completion and betterment of these facilities undergraduate life will improve. "There is no lack of activity on campus. There are events and speakers every week that go by under attended because student life is so hectic," Berger said. </p>

<p>Another issue raised in the CUE report is the lopsided and top-heavy nature of current course scheduling. Administrators feel that despite student claims that weekends are well spent interning and working, University studies have shown that Hopkins students spend equal time researching and working outside the classroom as students at our peer universities. </p>

<p>Additionally, there is the worry that professors are unable to teach as effectively as they would otherwise be able to with a more even class schedule. "Professors have said to me that they feel students do not have the same amount of time to finish reading assignments and other coursework when classes occur on consecutive days," Burger said. </p>

<p>"By spreading out the work week, we hope to reduce the amount of stress placed on students. However, there has been some resistance to these kinds of changes from students. Either way, there will be some form of scheduling revision in effect by Fall 2007, whether it's an entirely new scheduling policy or a better structured revision of our current system remains to be seen," she concluded. </p>

<p>With the positive reinforcement that accepted students in the class of 2010 were slightly more than 6 percent African American, which is an approximate 2 percent increase over the pass few years, the CUE report recommends following through with more forceful, though presently effective initiatives. The University has potentially secured a chair for the African-American studies program.</p>

<p>Something is a bit confusing to me...</p>

<p>The title of the JHU News-Letter article is "Students' concerns conflict with report's new recommendations." OK, but when you read the article or the CUE report, I don't see that as an appropriate summation at all?</p>

<p>Yes, the CUE report made academic recommendations, but it also made and has been making major recommendations about social life at Hopkins. Making suggestions about academic ideas to consider, making recommendations to increase humanities programs or multiculutural enrollment, does not mean that the report is ignoring social concerns of students. In fact, the report does and should address both academic and social concerns simultaneously - we are an institution of higher education. Read the article...and see what has been the focus of the Hopkins administration over the last 5-7 years.</p>

<p>To name a few:
*Charles Commons
*New food vendor on campus, renovation of all eateries
*Decker Quad project
*New Rec. Center and athletic facilities
*New Arts Center
*Revitalization of St. Paul's street
*Increased upperclass housing
*Increase in on-campus events such as Fall Festival, Culture Fest, etc.
*Increase in student life funding </p>

<p>So this is ignoring the concerns of our students? Is a main student center at Hopkins needed, yes! Is more housing for upperclassmen needed, yes! Is the administration considering such expansion plans to address these concerns - YES!!! </p>

<p>There are a lot of people who work at Hopkins, and assuming that we can not focus on academic improvements at the same time as social improvements is just not intelligent. Just come visit and see "what is new." </p>

<p>The Hopkins that existed in 1995, in 2000, or even in 2003 is different than the Hopkins that exists in 2006. The enrolling classes of 2008, 2009, and 2010 are greatly different then the enrolling classes of years before. Things have changed and will continue to change -- as happens at almost every school in the country. </p>

<p>OK, enough of a rant. I just really don't understand how the title of an "article" can be so different from the actual content of the "article."???</p>