Are colleges at risk of closing?

A recent article lists colleges that might be at risk of closing. [Dave Berry examines the predictions.](Are Colleges at Risk of Closing?)

He lists several public universities in the Perish category. Political considerations would make that unlikely, as Pennsylvania has discovered in trying to rework the 14 PASSHE college.

Also the data set shows Fordham in the Perish group while the graphic shows Fordham in the Survive group. Just happened to notice that on a quick glance. There may be other inaccuracies.

PASSHE has indeed faced opposition over the years.

But overwhelming passage of Act 50 (47-3 and 195-7) tells me that even the opponents realize the system won’t survive as is. I suspect other states will observe the same.

“ Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education is in the midst of a redesign, and it’s being bolstered by recent legislation passed by the General Assembly. Last week, the Pennsylvania Legislature approved House Bill 2171, which allows the State System to make reforms. It was passed by both chambers with very little opposition.
The bill gives the state system a process to create, expand, transfer, and/or affiliate institutions to adapt to the changing market of higher education.

@RichInPitt But not merge or close!

I cannot imagine UMass Boston folding like the report predicts.

Could not read the entire list, but did enjoy the chart which listed these 13 schools as “thrive”:

University of Georgia
University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)
Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham

@Publisher University of Alabama at Birmingham thriving, Brown University merely surviving?

@TomSrOfBoston: Not my list. If you disagree, then your argument is with NYU Professor Galloway, not with me.

P.S. Nevertheless, I do not necessarily disagree with Prof. Galloway’s characterization of those two schools. UAB is a very important school & medical school in the University of Alabama system, and Brown probably has the lowest endowment among the 8 Ivies.

He listed Florida Tech as perishing. Today they got a $1M grant for help with covid expenses. Some schools are good with getting money when they need it.

And I think I could make up a list like Harvard, Northwestern, and Michigan thriving. I don’t even have an MBA or teach at NYU.

Yes, but an interesting aspect of Prof. Galloway’s list is that Northwestern, Harvard, Michigan & Cornell are on the same list as Georgia, Mississippi, Howard, Gonzaga, and UAB.

Is there any way to see the complete lists of schools?

There is if you use the links contained in the article cited in the post which started this thread.

I was able to download the spreadsheet with all the data points. Not all schools are on the list. I was interested in a few that weren’t.

In the spreadsheet that can be found by digging through links (it is linked from the “USS University” entry in his blog*), he shows how he gets value and vulnerability.

Value is a combination of credential (USNWR ranking, admit rate, and search volume), experience (Niche student life grade), and education (15 year NPV, 30 year NPV, and instructional pay per student). It is likely that not everyone agrees with the choice of proxies for components of value here…

Vulnerability is based on (lower) endowment per student and (higher) percentage of international students. Again, it is likely that not everyone agrees with the choice of proxies.

Thrive = high value, less vulnerable
Survive = high value, more vulnerable
Struggle = low value, less vulnerable
Perish = low value, more vulnerable

*Although he likens universities to cruise ships, the prefix “USS” or “United States Ship” refers to ships commissioned into the US Navy. Cruise ships are commonly named without a prefix.

@chmcnm how did you download the data? I cannot do a thing with it when I pull it up.

@Cheeringsection Go to the page below.

Then click on the link for his latest blog.

“lively racket posting his blogs to Business Insider … In his latest blog/column he talks about”

Then scroll down to:

"The worksheet is here. Our aim is to catalyze a conversation about how universities can adjust their value proposition.

Click on the “here” hyperlink and download.

Not to be difficult @chmcnm but I’ve done that and all I get is a google doc that is near useless. I cannot even see the full name of the universities in the first column.

Have you tried accessing the document from Galloway’s blog?

You end up here when you click on the latest blog link.

Then scroll down to:

"The worksheet is here. Our aim is to catalyze a conversation about how universities can adjust their value proposition.

Click on the “here” hyperlink and download.

It opens a Google doc. It’s in Sheets format. You go to the top and click file > download. You can pick Excel format.

Thanks I think it worked. Must have been too much traffic on the sheet earlier as those steps were not options.

I looked at the charts on my phone and it was tough to follow.

I looked at the NE schools with B as the first letter.

Boston College. Thrive.

Boston University. Survive
Bowdoin. Thrive.

Did I read this correctly.

Could someone post the thrive and survive groups. It would be a useful list. Despite the issues with any lists.