Are extracurricular activities that important?

<p>Other then good grades to get into college I have gotten many mixed opinions on this and I want to know if its really that important to do as many sports or join different clubs as I can.Some people say that it is the variety of activities, charity work,amount of languages you speak, and ability to perform on sports teams. Does it really make a difference how many extracurricular activities I partake in? I am already involved in charity work and music etc....</p>

<p>Its quality, not quantity.</p>

<p>Definitely quality vs quantity. What we mean by that is this: for example a student has participated in volunteering at a church for over 6 years and helps that church conduct sunday services or feed the homeless. That right there is better than one year of volunteering at each of six different organizations. Colleges want to see dedication to something.</p>

<p>try to be passionate. Apparently that’s what they like. On college apps, there’s only room for a handful of ecs so maybe you should take a look at the common app.</p>

<p>i can’t tell you how many times i’ve seen posts like this. i’ve even posted this question myself. what nooob and ougnala are saying is right. when it comes to colleges, you want to show them your passion. who cares if you volunteer at the animal shelter? anyone can do that. however, if you volunteer there and have started a program to collect toys for stray cats, that is much more powerful. (just an example off the top of my head)</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice I have been active in certain extracurricular for more then 6 years each plus i was a G.S for 12 yrs. which pretty much proves I am passionate and stay committed. I am just worried I dont do enough as it is.</p>

<p>you really shouldn’t compare your ecs to some of the beasts on this forum who have like 500 community service hours, you’ll just give yourself stress lol</p>

<p>bluewatermelon, even with something like volunteering at a shelter or a hospital, if you show commitment through hundreds of hours of service (at the same place) and essays, it could be great, even without running a drive for homeless cats or whatever.</p>



<p>Just do the things you like/care about, for heaven’s sake. That’s the point of extracurricular activities. Colleges care about what your ECs show about you…they don’t sit there with a checklist of specifics, or care who has the most activities.</p>

<p>Most colleges don’t factor ECs into admission anyway. At most, they factor ECs into merit aid consideration. This particularly is true of public universities. At most colleges, basically all that counts for admission are your gpa, scores, and the coursework you’ve taken. If it’s a public university, your state of residence also will count. </p>

<p>If you’re applying to places like HPYS, ECs will count because they have such an overabundance of high stat applicants that such colleges can cherry pick among those to create active campuses that are diverse in all meanings of the word.</p>

<p>You should pick ECs that are of interest to you so that you can develop your skills, find out about your interests, have a good time, meet like minded friends, and consequently have the most fulfilled life you can.</p>

<p>Well cubfan i am already stressing enough lol!
I only do EC’s that i am interested in. I could do more if I had the time but right now I cant.
I do think quality over quantity is better which I why I posted this to see what others think</p>