<p>I already know that most colleges only evaluate 'academic' curriculum. This does include foreign language courses, doesn't it?</p>
<p>It does........</p>
<p>Oh. That's pretty sweet.</p>
<p>where will you be going?</p>
<p>Cornell is my first choice.</p>
<p>so you are a senior and awaiting the big envelope?? Good luck</p>
<p>I guess ur best at Foreign Languages yes it does effect which infact ruins my gpa...yuck im good at every subject but SPAnish(my foreign Language) I had an amazing midterm grade(but did horribly on 1 test this quater) but not liek my old school they dont average in the midterm grade w/ the quater! it really brought down my quater average( i would have gotten close to a 90 not as good as my last quater grade)</p>
<p>I'm actually a junior, though thanks for the wishes; I appreciate it.</p>
<p>The five academic areas are:
Social Studies
Foreign Languages</p>
physical education/health</p>
<p>since all of these 6 areas are required</p>
<p>required but not academic... if a college goes to the trouble of recalculating your gpa, they won't include gym</p>
<p>Yeah, probably not.</p>
<p>sorry, logistics, just bcos your HS/state requires a class for graduation does not make it academic -- health, PE, dance, drivers ed, basketweaving et al are not considered part of the academic gpa.</p>
<p>The PE grades would matter to the military academics. Do some states still have driver ed classes in the schools? I thought most had eliminated it because of the cost. If I'm hijacking this thread, it's because it was over.</p>
<p>We have driver's education but not like an "in-car" thing. Just the like lectures and videos and etc for the written test.</p>
Thanks for answering. It was years ago, but they used to have driving simulators built like early video games, and then they would have actual in-car training using cars that the local car dealership had loaned to the school for the purpose. At least at my hs, the gym teachers were in charge of driver training. I never felt that being a coach was good training for a driver-ed instructor. ahhhhh. I think all of that went away because of budget and a concentration on the "basics".</p>