<p>I'm a guy with short hair and everyone always tells me to grow it out.</p>
<p>Are guys MEANT to have long hair these days? Why are we guys with short hair inferior?</p>
<p>I'm a guy with short hair and everyone always tells me to grow it out.</p>
<p>Are guys MEANT to have long hair these days? Why are we guys with short hair inferior?</p>
<p>Errr, supposed to have? Wut? I didn’t know that gender schemas were so inclusive as to have proclamations on hairstyle…</p>
<p>Anywho, a lot of the people at my school have shorter hair, although that might be in part because our dress code prohibits anything below the eyebrows when stretched down and wet. </p>
<p>Nearly every athlete at the school has a buzzcut though, so if we are to take them as our pinnacles of masculinity then I guess that the ideal would be short…</p>
<p>I myself have short hair, though aesthetics and cultural biases play no role in determining it; for me, short hair is far more manageable and does not require any attention, and is far easier to clean (or doesn’t inevitably get dirty when I neglect to wash it), and can be groomed without any special assistance (you can just shave it off when it gets too long for comfort ;D), so I keep it like that.</p>
<p>You’re not.
Tell them to **** off and that you don’t have to conform to their ideals in order to be personally satisfied, especially regarding fashion. It’s called individuality.
If you’re happy with your hair short, leave it short. If you would rather grow it out, then try it and if you don’t like it then you can get a hair cut.
I’m never really happy with the way my hair looks. It used to be very short and the summer before freshman year I let it grow out. When it was short, people told me to grow it. When it was long people told me to shave it. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what they think. Today, I am much happier with my longer hair than I was with short hair. I wouldn’t even say that longer hair is necessarily more fashionable at the moment, at least not in my school.
If you think you might like the look of it long, go for it. If you don’t, keep it the way it is.
<p>Well said, Mr. Jack Bauer.</p>
<p>ROFL… do they actually CHECK?</p>
<p>What kind of school do you go to?</p>
<p>Yeah, they check, but some kids are really good at hiding it – I know one kid who has it parted and off to the sides, and when he stretches it down it practically reaches his chin! Oh, and they give you detention after the first warning (long hair is usually noticed quite easily), and I think they eventually make you shave it off if you never happen to cut it – I know for a fact that they send you to the bathroom with a razor the second they see facial hair, so it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine a similar policy for head hair.</p>
<p>All-Male-Jesuit-College-Preparatory, btw…</p>
<p>Guys can have whatever hair they want? It is what it is. Some guys have long hair, some had short, and some have in between. It depends on the guy, personally. Some guys don’t look good with short hair and some don’t look good with long hair.</p>
<p>Eh, I can’t stand when [most] guys have long hair… owaifeuowaief. Although I do like when guys that have short hair kind of let it grow out a little, like to the point where they think, “oh, I need to get my hair cut.” Tttttttthat’s the best hair :]</p>
<p>My school has the same exact dress code regarding hair as Moodrets (that is, no hair past the back collar, no hair reaching below your ears, and no hair reaching below your eyebrows. Facial hair should be kept at a bare minimum.) While it’s not uncommon to be pulled aside and asked to shave your facial hair in the bathroom, many people just move their actual head hair so that it stays within the parameters. That way, you can keep your long hair.</p>
<p>All-Male-Roman Catholic-College-Preparatory over here.</p>
<p>Eh, I can’t stand when [most] guys have long hair… owaifeuowaief. Although I do like when guys that have short hair kind of let it grow out a little, like to the point where they think, “oh, I need to get my hair cut.” Tttttttthat’s the best hair :]</p>
<p>COMPLETELY agree. lol</p>
<p>haha, yes, agree w/ IV’s post.</p>
<p>^ So few guys can really pull off long hair.</p>
<p>What do you guys/girls define as “long” hair?</p>
<p>^this:<a href=“http://hustlerofculture.typepad.com/me_we/images/hair.jpg[/url]”>http://hustlerofculture.typepad.com/me_we/images/hair.jpg</a></p>
<p>^ EEEwwww</p>
<p>That’s all I need to say.</p>
<p>i had long hair at catholic school, then they made me cut it.
i got laid with both; just have whatever hair you like.</p>
<p>Yay my opinion has been affirmed! <em>dies happy</em> :]</p>
<p>There is a resurgence of “beatles” hair around the 2000s that I find interesting. Which leads me to believe that in 10, 20 years we will loop around to the 80s hair style. </p>
<p>I tried to maintain the “oh I don’t have long hair, but I just need a haircut because my hair is a little messy and a little in my face, but still masculine” type of hair, but if you have fast growing hair, then its only possible to maintain the ideal state for like two weeks. But that’s contradictory to the guy-code of not paying attention to your hair.</p>
<p>who cares…just wear you hair however you want…its your own, afterall.</p>
<p>Try this:
[Image:Cloudac1.jpg</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cloudac1.jpg]Image:Cloudac1.jpg”>File:Cloudac1.jpg - Wikipedia)
It’s the perfect hair. Not too long; not too short. It’s juuuust right.</p>