<p>My dad mentioned it to me earlier. At first, I thought he was just full of **** because he doesn't want me to leave Florida. However, I found a gawker article saying St. Louis is racist and segregated and an article in iowastatedaily.com saying that just last year there had been racism towards Asian-Americans.</p>
<p>I'm African-American, but still. It's never good when anyone discriminated against like that.</p>
<p>These were just a coule of articles, though. Is it really that bad? Also, I'm wondering if they'd be any worse than schools like USF in Florida, where he wants me to go to, but I'd rather not. I just feel like Iowa State and Mizzou are offering me a lot more in way of opportunities and scholarships. I don't see that going very far, however, if racism's a big part of their cultures. </p>
<p>And I was so excited about Iowa State and Mizzou, their honors colleges, etc. It seemed so perfect. I mean, I know there's always a catch, but I didn't think it'd be anything like that.</p>
<p>You might post this question in the Mizzou and ISU forums. You might also ask your Dad (nicely) for his evidence. I would be very disappointed if it were true.</p>
<p>I don’t think you’re going to have any problems. Remember, to stay in business the media needs stories that sell, and RACISM! AUGGH! makes a better story than “College life continues uneventfully.”</p>
<p>Remember, Iowa is the state that elected voted for a black president 3 times (including the landslide 2008 caucus). Not bad for a huge-majority-white state. I don’t know much about Missouri, but big cities generally tend to be pretty tolerant and nearly all have an African-American community. Also, universities are particularly progressive and tolerant of different races. I doubt there is a single state university in the US that could be considered truly “racist”.</p>
<p>@mwestmom Oh I have. I don’t think those forums are as active since I haven’t received any replies yet. </p>
<p>@mmmgirl Thanks! You’ve really cheered me up. I didn’t know Iowa did that. That really impressive. I think either Iowa or Missouri were the first or one of the first states to legalize interracial marriage? </p>
<p>Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t mind that the campuses are predominantly white. I’ve done fine in environments where other races are the majority and I don’t care about other people’s race. I just want to be sure I don’t leave for the north and prove my parents right by being miserable there because other students don’t share my opinion, you know. I have and want friends within my own race, of course, but I don’t want to be limited to one group.</p>
<p>I live in St. Louis and have visited Mizzou multiple times. My brother went there for both undergrad and grad school. There’s absolutely no outward signs of racism that either he or I could find. As has been said, there’s obviously a handful of morons, but the majority are normal, nice kids. As for what you heard about St. Louis being racist, that’s a really tricky question. The city is designed exceptionally weirdly and there’s accusations of this and that. The suburbs and somewhat wealthier parts of the city are normal and have no more racism than anywhere else. East St. Louis is always a touchy subject though and people debate endlessly on how race can impact it.</p>
<p>I guess what I’m saying is that Mizzou is a warm and welcoming school. St. Louis is a city that by-and-large is open and understanding, but is also a mess in terms of cultural leadership. Regardless, don’t let St. Louis exciter or deter you from Mizzou. Focus on Columbia. I’m sure Iowa State is kind too. Congrats on your National Achievement award.</p>
<p>I go to a high school that sends 15+ students to ISU and Mizzou every year (we are in illinois). I have no reason to believe that ISU or Mizzou are racist. I’m sure there will be special cases of racism, but not on a larger or more prominent level. Both schools seem very accepting to me. I personally know a latino girl who is committed to Mizzou and an african american guy committed to ISU engineering.</p>
<p>This is all really good to hear. Are any of you minorities? If you don’t mind me asking. Sometimes the points of view are different. Btw, I’m really leaning more towards Iowa State at this point.</p>
<p>if someone says it then it is true. (the earth is flat)
if I went to school at iowa state other then the fact it would be a great all around amazing experience it will be cold (the main draw back imo). the “racism” thing is silly, I am sure if someone spends four years anyplace…looking for problems real or imagined they will find something.</p>
<p>Iowa State has a lovely fullride (?) scholarship named after Washington Carver. They are even offering it to Asians since they don’t seem to be getting enough minorities.</p>
<p>I think it would be helpful if the people commenting say, as ashley requested, if they are minorities or not. I’m not saying that whites do not see racism, but sometimes their view of whether something is racist or not can be quite different from what minorities see.</p>
<p>@zobroward Are you saying that minorities go looking for racism?</p>