<p>Hi, I am an Urm (african american male) and I'm having serious doubts about my chances at tops schools b/c of my mediocre test scores...even though I'm an urm.</p>
<p>sat: 1350/2030 (retook in nov.)
psat: 219
sat II: World history 720, Math II 680, biology 650
rank: 1/450 gpa: 4.31</p>
<p>AP scores: comp. gov't 5, us history 4, psy. 4, bio 3</p>
<p>My friend at Yale’s roomate had 1900 on her SAT’s and she was URM. I think SAT scores can be off set by your excellent gpa/rank. I also have lower end sat scores…</p>
<p>Do you mean 1350/1600, 2030/2400?
And I think those scores are definitely high enough considering your excellent ranking/gpa AND urm status.</p>
<p>But while that does “solve” your grade/academics “problem,” what have you done besides that? I think Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford might be interested in that too :P</p>
<p>hmm…they are a little low, but I suppose there have been urms with scores like yours (and lower) they have gotten in. It’s really going to depend on how good the rest of your app is.</p>
<p>I would say that since you are an URM that your raw scores are fine, if I were you, I would try and do whatever you can to make your extra curriculars look “harvard standard” or something. Best of luck</p>