Are Sat IIs in Nov. a Possibility?

<p>I may want to take sat iis again in nov. (after i see how i did on monday..) but if i want to apply to a school ed, is nov too late for the schools to recieve my scores. i did well on the sats, but might take them again in october, so the only chance id have for sat iis would be nov. do you think this is a possiblity? thankss</p>

<p>Most schools say that Novemeber is not too late, however I know yale caveats this (is that gramatically correct) by saying: </p>

<p>" Although we cannot guarantee that scores will arrive before the Admissions Committee convenes, past experience suggests that November scores will arrive in time. "</p>

<p>You can also consider taking the ACT to replace the SATs if time is very short, they are offered in Semptember (some states), October and November.</p>

<p>ml41588....same problem here</p>

<p>yeah, we'll see what happens. i rather play it safe and be completely done by oct. maybe even done this year, but it all depends on what kind of scores tomorrow brings....</p>