<p>i'm just trying to imagine chinese girl + southern Georgian accent...</p>
<p>lmao. i dont have the southern drawl, but my friend is chinese/white and she is the blondest, most southern, asian I have ever met. and what's funnier is her Chinese dad, who has a thick Cantonese and South Georgia accent, hahaha</p>
<p>Hee, just come visit MIT if you want to see some bizarre ethnicity/accent combinations.</p>
<p>Off the top of my head, I can think of an Asian girl with a Miami Cuban accent and an Asian guy with an Alabama accent... :)</p>
<p>That's nothing. I have a friend here who's Asian, from Arkansas, but he has a British accent. Neither of his parents do.</p>
<p>And the weirdest part is, he really isn't faking it. He just talks like that, and didn't believe he had the accent.</p>