are the colleges im applying to realistic for me? really worried

In 8th, 9th and 10th grade I was really depressed/unmotivated for a multitude of reasons. At the end of 10th grade I found my spark in physics and began to love school and decided to start doing really well in it. However, my grades from 9th and 10th have left a stain on my transcript (I would probably be valed of my school if I tried these years… lol)

8th grade classes (count for HS):
Living Environment 86
Algebra 80
Spanish 1B 96

9th grade classes (start of HS)
Advanced Global 9 89
Chemistry H 73 (i did so awful in this class smh)
English 9H 81
Geometry H 82
Spanish 2H 85
Studio in Art 90

10th grade:
Algebra 2H 80
AP World History 85 (2 on ap exam)
English 10H 91
Financial Management I 82 (.5 credit)
Health 100 (.5 credit)
Physics H 91
Spanish 3H 86

11th grade (dropped spanish):
AP Biology/Coll 93 (passed ap exam)
AP US History 95 (passed ap exam)
Chamber Choir Alt 100 (.5 credit)
English 11H 94
Ethics 100 (.5 credit)
Pre Calculus 93
Psychology 100 (.5 credit)
Sci Research 1 100 (.5 credit)

It shows my cumulative is a 94 weighted and a 88.6 unweighted lol.

This year I’m taking AP Physics, AP govt., English 12h, Calc of Science/Business, and Choir. So far, I expect to do better than I did last year in my classes.

My first SAT score from Aug SAT is a 1430 (710 in English/720 in math), but I’m taking it again and going to try to make it to a 1500.

I’m an accounting major, looking forward to a program with a 5-year program to receive both masters and bachelor degree.
II don’t know if I can go to a nice school like NYU, BU, Boston College, University of Notre Dam, etc. <-- feel like I ruined my chances at these
Also going to be applying to SUNY Bing, CUNY Baruch, Pace University, Fordham University, etc.

What’s your EFC and what’s your parents’ budget?
Have you run the NPC on all of these?

@MYOS1634 my EFC is 0 and my parents budget is probably 10k max per year. i applied to some scholarships and yes i ran the NPC.

Try to apply to NYU through HEOP or its unlikely to be affordable.
I don’t think BU and BC would work, BU because it’s terrible for EFC0 students and BC it really depends financially (they count assets and equity a lot, so if you rent you’re okay but anything owned in NYC would make it unaffordable) and your rigor/GPA aren’t quite at the level they want.
Fordham (if you can commute) and Baruch are both good matches, apply to Baruch Honors for sure (it mitigates a lot of administrative issues).
Run the NPC on SUNY Albany, Geneseo, Bentley, Bryant, Marist, Ithaca, Clarkson, Temple, Case Western reserve, Miami Ohio, RPI, RIT, Syracuse.
You may try your luck and see if you qualify for HEOP at Cornell.

Your 11th grade is really going to help you. Keep up the good work and I think that you should get into at least some and maybe all of “SUNY Bing, CUNY Baruch, Pace University, Fordham University”.

Don’t be shocked if some schools wait to get your mid-term grades for 12th year before you hear back. Some schools will do this, and some will not. Good luck!

@MYOS1634 Thank you so much for your reply. I went on the HEOP site and I’ll start right away. I’ll do NPC for the colleges you’ve given me as well, thank you. I cannot commute to Fordham or Baruch; I’d prefer Baruch out of the two but I do not know how much dorming would cost me at either places…

@DadTwoGirls Thank you so much for your reply! I’m going to try my best until the end of the year because I have a lot to make up for, I’m regular decisioning everywhere so I can send in my semester-end grades & they will boost my transcript up too.

Baruch is 99.5% commuter. It’s great academically but it’d be very hard socially since you wouldn’t have friends to hang out with (people go to class, go home to their family/their job or their apartment.)
You can try to apply to Macaulay to have a built in circle and some Macaulay scholars have housing too (not sure if Baruch’s do).
Fordham is more residential (even Lincoln center).
NPCs include room and board (rent and food).

@MYOS1634 What exactly is the difference between Baruch Honors and Macaulay Honors?
I was worried how much housing would cost, but I think they offer financial aid for it. I’m hoping it’s not too much.
I know a lot of people get a full ride to Fordham from my school, but no one goes because they don’t give money for dorms and it’s a hard commute.

Fordham participates in HEOP which is full tuition for NYS students facing financial and personal obstacles. A “full ride” covers full tuition, room, and board.
Macaulay is college-wide and is a full ride for NYS although not all colleges offer housing. Macaulay students have special seminars and additional perks such as a personal computer and a place to socialize and break the commuter isolation.
Baruch Honors offers perks such as priority registration and a full tuition scholarship.
100% need colleges will cover tuition, room, and board for EFC 0 students they admit.

does your school have naviance? I would look at accepted student stats for unweighted.

@MYOS1634 What does it mean to qualify “academically” for HEOP? I’m sure I qualify economically, but not sure what they mean by academically. On Cornell’s site, it says the following about HEOP “The Higher Educational Opportunity Program (HEOP) is for endowed, or private, colleges and universities in New York State. At Cornell, these would be the College of Art, Architecture, and Planning; College of Arts and Sciences, and the School of Hotel Administration.”, does this mean I am unable to choose an accounting major and apply for HEOP at Cornell? Btw isn’t’ Baruch free tuition now for everyone with an income under 100k or something?

@manykids2000 Yes we do. I’m unable to access Naviance at the moment, for some reason, I will go to my counselor on Monday to ask about it.

^Good point about how Honors/Macaulay applies now with Excelsior.
HEOP academics: means your school record wrt typical school-wide achievement shows potential to succeed but is below the average for your chosen college. So, if you have an 88 average/1400 SAT HEOP helps for colleges where 93-94 average/1450SAT is the norm (an example, not an exact situation).

As for HEOP at Cornell, email them to see how it works since Dyson’(s tuition isn’t typical SUNY, so I don’t think the Excelsior would cover it all and if it’s not under HEOP that may be a loophole in the tuition provision :s

@MYOS1634 " Students applying for the Dyson School will be considered for the EOP option."

so i guess ill apply through EOP for cornell, but i think itll be harder to get in than through HEOP

EOP /HEOP both are really hard to get but they do increase your odds of admissions and have excellent financial aid.

@MYOS1634 hey sorry to bug you with another question. i was wondering if suny bing would give me a decent amount of aid for their dorms or no

Run the NPC. That’s the only way you can know. Enter your family’s data, etc, and they’ll let you know how much you’d be eligible for.
You must do that for each college, each SUNY.
Did you look into how Macaulay works with Excelsior?
Did you make an appointment with your GC to discuss HEOP?(AND any HEOP deadlien, some of which may well be November 1st)?

@MYOS1634 excelsior covers anhtjing on tuition that isn’t covered already by financial aid or TAP
So Macaulay would cover my tuition