In 8th, 9th and 10th grade I was really depressed/unmotivated for a multitude of reasons. At the end of 10th grade I found my spark in physics and began to love school and decided to start doing really well in it. However, my grades from 9th and 10th have left a stain on my transcript (I would probably be valed of my school if I tried these years… lol)
8th grade classes (count for HS):
Living Environment 86
Algebra 80
Spanish 1B 96
9th grade classes (start of HS)
Advanced Global 9 89
Chemistry H 73 (i did so awful in this class smh)
English 9H 81
Geometry H 82
Spanish 2H 85
Studio in Art 90
10th grade:
Algebra 2H 80
AP World History 85 (2 on ap exam)
English 10H 91
Financial Management I 82 (.5 credit)
Health 100 (.5 credit)
Physics H 91
Spanish 3H 86
11th grade (dropped spanish):
AP Biology/Coll 93 (passed ap exam)
AP US History 95 (passed ap exam)
Chamber Choir Alt 100 (.5 credit)
English 11H 94
Ethics 100 (.5 credit)
Pre Calculus 93
Psychology 100 (.5 credit)
Sci Research 1 100 (.5 credit)
It shows my cumulative is a 94 weighted and a 88.6 unweighted lol.
This year I’m taking AP Physics, AP govt., English 12h, Calc of Science/Business, and Choir. So far, I expect to do better than I did last year in my classes.
My first SAT score from Aug SAT is a 1430 (710 in English/720 in math), but I’m taking it again and going to try to make it to a 1500.
I’m an accounting major, looking forward to a program with a 5-year program to receive both masters and bachelor degree.
II don’t know if I can go to a nice school like NYU, BU, Boston College, University of Notre Dam, etc. <-- feel like I ruined my chances at these
Also going to be applying to SUNY Bing, CUNY Baruch, Pace University, Fordham University, etc.