Are the rumors true

<p>Nearly every thread i read says miami's student body is full of arrogant, superficial and fake people. How true is this? Is it a "party" school? Will i have a social life if i am not a heavy drinker?</p>

<p>If you took the time to read through all the countless threads on this subject you would know that this is NOT true!</p>

<p>Are there some arrogant, superficial and fake people at Miami? Sure, but so are there at almost every school, especially the privates. </p>

<p>Miami has ALL types and drinking happens OFF campus. (How many times do I have to repeat this?)</p>

<p>Lots of kids do not drink or only sometimes and have great social lives. You can find just about any type of kid at Miami and there ARE lots of down to earth types.</p>

<p>My kid is one of the non-drinkers and down to earth types. He has plenty of friends but not much time as he is a very busy engineering major. So, I certainly agree with what SVMMom says.</p>

<p>I’m no drinker, but I love social gatherings, and I’ll be a freshman at the U next year. There’s like 2,000 kids in the freshman class, you’ll meet lots of different people. Also, UM is not that easy to get into so I doubt that kids that only want to take advantage of South Beach are the only ones attending.</p>

<p>There is something ■■■■■-like about this post.</p>

<p>Legitimate question. Some people don’t care for the partying. Different strokes…ya know.</p>

<p>Yes, UM has a good many arrogant, superficial and fake people…but you can find some genuine people if you make an effort to find them. It is a “party” school and a lot of the social life revolves around parties, clubbing and drinking but there are always those that are not into that scene, again if you make the effort you can find like minded people. It would be a good idea to join organizations and clubs on campus and get involved socially through them. I have heard that the strive community who do volunteer work is worth checking out.</p>

<p>“Yes, UM has a good many arrogant, superficial and fake people”</p>

<p>Please note, Lily is a PARENT who gets her “perspective” from her S who transferred to SUNY-New Paltz.</p>

<p>I would weigh what current students such as rankinr have to say…they live the experience every day.</p>

<p>My down to earth daughter found a great group of friends immediately, no extreme effort needed. She went to a freshmen get-to-know-each-other event the first week of classes, walked up to a random group of kids and the group just kinda meshed and have been hanging ever since. Girl from Kansas, another girl from Delaware, girl from Conn (very rich and VERY down to earth), AA girl from Missouri, and gay guy from Mississippi are the main group, but lots of others. She also has friends on her floor from China, Peru, Japan and the Netherlands.</p>

<p>Miami is very diverse and is what you decide to make of it.</p>