Party School?

<p>The marine sciences program at this school looks amazing, but the posts from students on ***** make it look like a school where the students drink 24/7. My S is just starting to look at schools and he's not a partier or into Greek life.</p>

<p>***** in general makes a lot of schools look pretty bad in this regard, so I'm not putting a lot of weight on what I see there, and obviously there is drinking at most schools, but I'm trying to get a sense of this school from you guys.</p>

<p>He also may consider Florida Tech.</p>

<p>(He's a HS Junior. His first ACT was 31 and his GPA is about 3.5...don't have his Junior grades yet and they've actually gone up a lot).</p>


<p>My D is in RSMAS as a marine sciences / biology major and she does not drink, nor do any of her friends. They find plenty of fun things to do without including Al Cohol into their group. Not sure what website you’re referring to above and yes there is drinking, partying, hooking up, etc at every university in the world. </p>

<p>Can’t comment on whether it is any more or less prevalent at UM. I can tell you that for the kids who don’t drink, and don’t want to drink or smoke or whatever, there are many other like minded kids to hang out with.</p>

<p>It all boils down to what kind of experience your S wants to have when he is in college. I went to college with kids who were just there to party - most lasted into their soph year and dropped out. Some partied thru all 4 years and even managed to get into engineering careers (very high demand at the time).</p>

<p>When it comes time to drop him off somewhere next Fall, the best you can hope for is that you’ve instilled values that will help him make the right choices for himself.</p>

<p>Wish you the best!

<p>My D is a freshman at Miami. She is a strong student, very social but does not drink. She has found tons of friends and plenty to do. In fact, my olderD is at an Ivy, and I am convinced there is just as much partying there if not more. I would not worry at all about Miami…the school is large enough that everyone finds their group and activities.</p>

<p>This is great to hear! We are now definitely planning to visit U of Miami in April. He is very excited about RSMAS particularly because it is his lifelong dream to go to the Galapagos someday. When he saw that was the study abroad semester location, he was thrilled. Obviously he has to get in first… :wink: But at least he is open to schools outside the Northeast now.</p>

<p>Another parent of a RSMAS student here. My daughter also does not drink at all. Some of her marine school friends do, but they are not big partiers. They have tons of fun and the RSMAS kids kinda form their own social unit. </p>

<p>My daughter is in the Galapagos right now and boy am I jealous of her! The pictures she keeps posting are simply amazing! RSMAS featured her in their blog:</p>

<p>[UGalapagos</a> Update: More Photos of Spring Semester 2012 | RSMAS Blog](<a href=“]UGalapagos”></p>

<p>That is so amazing!!! Thanks so much for sharing.</p>

<p>If you have any more questions please feel free to pm me!</p>