Are the tests from the collegueboard Sat online course real administered SAT papers

<p>Hey guys i was wandering if the online course contains SAT papers that actually appeared in recent years.If so which tests are they ..i mean the course has like 10 tests and i am sure not all of them are real sat exam papers.Plz let me know</p>

<p>not sure about the online course, but they do have THREE actual tests in their book guide, the Official Sat Study Guide… so there are probably past tests or at least questions from past tests on the online guide. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>No. The online tests are just like tests 4 - 10 in the current BB. 100points is right. The questions are from previously administered tests dating back to before March 2005. However, the tests are not real SATs and thus produce a score range and not a real score.</p>

<p>thanx for the info guys…well i guess its not worth paying 60$ for the online course then.But does anyone over here know where i can get actual past SAT papers for practice.I mean the ones (other than the first three) in BB seems quite easy.</p>

<p>Even if they aren’t actual administered tests…the fact that the practice test were created by the SAT creators themselves, prove that it is in fact a reliable and realistic resource for practice test, better then PR, Barrons, ETC…because the people that made the practice test also make the administered test ^.^</p>

<p>Oh and you can get it for 10 bucks on ebay…NO HOMO! haha
btw:please mind my grammar…lazy ~.~</p>