Are the UC's overrated?

<p>To me it seems that everyone in California public high schools rate the UC’s too high. That is, they believe that a UC education is the best and only route to go. Moreover, they look down upon the CSU’s. Some even equate the UC’s with the Ivies! Is this a California phenomenon? </p>

<p>Is this just me who thinks this? What do you think?</p>

<p>The California Master Plan for Higher Education laid out specific college pathways for California students (from high schools and community colleges to 4-year state colleges). Because of this, every high school/community college counselor in California is trained to put students on a path to the UC and/or CSU. I think it’s more of a byproduct of legislative actions that became ingrained in the public conscious.</p>

<p>That still does not explain why people obsess about the UC’s.</p>

<p>The UCs are the top-tier state college system of California. In terms of research expenditures, the UCs occupy three of the top ten spots for all schools in the US. Those three schools (UCLA, UCSD, UCSF) each spend much more than any Ivy. I think the reputation is well deserved.</p>

<p>I don’t think high school students obsess about the UC’s just b/c they spend a lot in research. I would imagine that being the case for students inquiring to enter a graduate program. There are many other schools in California that are in the top tier and are just as good as some of the UC’s. Why does everyone still believe the UC is the way to go?</p>