<p>I don't mean weird, but just unique. Is there anyone who has very different interests or tastes from everyone else?</p>
<p>There are people who have tastes away from the mainstream, yeah. But we're in NYC, so mainstream is indie/gypsy punk and dyed hair. Those who like country and are Republicans are rare.</p>
<p>bleh. YES. but it's mostly people who <em>try</em> to be quirky, which is more annoying than anything</p>
<p>Plenty of people. Most are juniors, though.</p>
<p>Shiiit, yes. My whole school is obnoxiously quirky, and they like to let everybody know it.</p>
<p>Yeah, definitely, especially our sophomore class. The juniors are a bit more sedate.</p>
<p>There are a ton of quirky people in my school.</p>
<p>There are tons of wannabe scene hipsters, pretending they can play guitar and how they read Salinger.</p>
<p>'Tis funny when you ask them to play a few chords or tell you their favourite book.</p>
<p>I go to a school with many quirky people.</p>
<p>I know a lot of wannabe "different" people, but I honestly do know a few genuine quirky people.</p>
<p>I only know one girl who's genuinely quirky, but that's because she's sort of a weird, mad, genius. Amazing at slam poetry.</p>
<p>Me. I'm a Republican in California, and I let people know it.</p>
<p>Everyone at my school is quite unique, however there are a few groups of people who tend to be more similar in the fact that they look like they just walked out of a circus (creepy hot topic junkies).</p>
<p>A bunch</p>
<p>Juno goes to my school.</p>
<p>That's about as quirky as you can get, homeskillet. Honest to blog.</p>
<p>^Juno, The Movie, in a nutshell...</p>
<p>Pretty much everyone, we're special</p>
<p>What is the definition of a quirky person?</p>
Me. I'm a Republican in California, and I let people know it.
SoCal is actually pretty conservative... it's the Bay Area that is Ultra Liberal... Only Los Angeles is liberal (in SoCal)... Everywhere else is Moderate to conservative... you wouldn't feel as weird if you went to school in Orange County or San Diego County... Young people tend to be more Liberal anyways...
People shouldn't care too much...</p>
<p>I am weird... I know it... But oh well...
I am also conservative amongst a vast majority of Liberals. No one cares too much, people think its odd that a Asian-Hispanic Male is Conservative and not ultra liberal...
I have trouble knowing what I want, and sometimes I speak before I think, which makes me look stupid...</p>
<p>This is totally Random... but its funny(and I remembered it while typing): when I was into Pokemon and all that sort of stuff I used to play the gameboy games (which are pretty fun...even still to this day...LOL) and I got so into them that sometimes before I did something big (in real life... not the game) i would feel the need to 'save the game' before I continued (because if you mess up in the game you turn it off and you end up back when you last saved...)...haha...</p>
<p>I suppose I'd be a little weird in that...</p>
<p>I am very liberal...but I absolutely hate being surrounded by liberals. Seriously. I can't stand them. I would rather live in some ultra conservative small town then a small liberal town with coffee shops etc...</p>
<p>Is anyone else like that? :P</p>