I’m not happy with my grades sophomore year, I had one B in Spanish last semester, and now I will have 2 B’s this semester, so I’m pretty scared how colleges will view my unweighted GPA. (I had one AP and two honors classes this year); I plan to make up this poor grade by maintaining good grades junior year. I got dropped out of AP Psych because 60 students were pulled out since there wasn’t enough space, so I had to change my course list today and it looks a little weak, but here it is:
AP English
Medical Interventions (Honors)
Physiology/ Anatomy (Honors) OR Community College Business 100/Marketing (counts as college credit)
Community College Calculus (counts as college credit)
Should I try business or anatomy next year?! The thing is, for anatomy, I would get the same AP Biology teacher I had this year, and she was a little rough, but I’ve never ever tried business on the other hand, and it’s a college course. I would only be taking two AP classes, but I’m afraid that’s not enough?
(1 AP sophomore, 2 AP Junior year<---- does this look like a weak transcript?)