<p>hey guys! I REALLY need help.
Registration is this week, and I'm stuck between what I'm going to take.
This is what it looks like so far...</p>

<p>Honors Pre-Calculus
AP Government
AP Lang
German 4</p>

<p>This is where my sixth choice comes in...and I'm stuck!
I really want to raise up my GPA, because I want to get accepted to the University of Michigan. As you can see, all of the above classes are pretty rigorous. Should I...make it more rigorous by taking Anatomy and Phisiology and basically make every one of my classes a priority academic type of class? Or should I take something like...Busineess Law? An easy elective to balance out my workload?
I'm in a bunch of extra curriculurs and I just want to know...
Should I make my college app stand out with Anatomy and Physiology, or should I make it easier for myself with all of the other hard classes?

<p>Take Anatomy and Physiology. Business Law as a high school course will obviously be BS.</p>

<p>Don’t take Anatomy. It’ll be a lot of memorizing on top of what you’ve already got and will make everything go down the drain. You can even take a free period if you want.</p>